Instructor: Kansas Bureau of Investigation

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Classes by this instructor

2024 KBI Laboratory - Chemistry, Toxicology, Biology, Databank, and Case Inquiry
While many agencies have programs in crime scene processing, the level of training and resources available varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, as does the opportunity to work with evidence. To help these agencies, Kansas Bureau of Investigation has developed a comprehensive Lab Services Training and Outreach Program.
Wednesday, September 18, 2024, Zoom Facilitated Sessions
Tuesday, November 19, 2024, Hays KLETC Regional Site
Investigation and Analysis of Fire Scene Evidence
In this course, students will learn about the comprehensive case analysis of a fire scene, from the investigative beginnings, through the laboratory analysis of samples, to the potential courtroom. The class will be jointly instructed by members of both the State Fire Marshal's office and the Kansas Bureau of Investigation laboratory.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024, Overland Park Fire Training Center