Instructor: Travis L. Dahna

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Travis Dahna is the Principal member and Electrical Systems and Equipment DER for TD Aerospace, LLC, a professional aerospace engineering design and certification company based in Kansas. He started his career over 25 years ago as an avionics technician and troubleshooter in the United States Navy, where he served with distinction and was honorably discharged. As a Gulf War Veteran, Mr. Dahna joined the civilian aviation sector where he has worked on, designed, and certified a wide variety of new products and articles for the last 20 years. He has held positions as a senior electrical engineer for a large aircraft manufacturer and served as the Certification Coordinator for all the factory owned service/modification centers in the United States, providing all interface with the geographic FAA Aircraft Certification Offices for all standard certification STC projects. Following his time at the aircraft manufacturer, he assisted in the development of an STC ODA for a consulting company and held the position as the Principal Certification Engineer, while also training as an alternate ODA administrator.

He has been actively involved in several hundred certification projects, ranging from TC, STC, PMA, and Major Alterations. In addition to duties as a consultant DER (14 CFR Part 23 and 25), including major alterations, he holds positions as a unit member on several TC and STC Organization Designation Authorizations (ODA). Mr. Dahna's combination of practical experience, analytical knowledge, and in-depth certification experience brings a unique and viable approach to aircraft certification in an uncomplicated yet thorough manner.

Courses taught by this instructor:
FAA Type Certification Process
FAA Type Certification Plan Development

Classes by this instructor

This course will prepare you to develop a thorough FAA certification plan/project specific certification plan (CP/PSCP) that meets the requirements of Order 8110.4C associated with new type certification projects.
May 19-22, 2025, BEST Conference Center
This course will focus on how to successfully complete an FAA type certificate project based on the published process outlined by the FAA, including a review of all required FAA forms and when to use them.
September 16-19, 2024, San Diego Marriott Mission Valley
This course will provide an overall understanding of the 14 CFR Part 21 requirements necessary to obtain design, production and airworthiness approvals for civil aviation products and articles. Title 14, CFR Part 21 regulations are the backbone of the regulatory framework that enables Aircraft Certification Service (AIR) to conduct its certification responsibilities on products and articles. Under 14 CFR Part 21, §21.1, the FAA defines a product as an aircraft, engine or propeller, while an article means a material, part, component, process or appliance. In addition to 14 CFR Part 21, this course will delve into certain aspects of 14 CFR Part 43, outlining the requirements to receive approval for alterations/repairs for civil aviation products and articles. An overview is provided on FAA organizational structure, additional 14 CFR Parts, regulatory/guidance material, and rulemaking procedures.

Course preview webinar: Stepping Into FAA Airworthiness Requirements

October 14-17, 2024, Renaissance Orlando Resort (Formerly the B Resort)