Instructor: Justin Hoffman

No image available Biography: Justin Hoffman is a Supervisory United States Probation Officer for the District of Kansas and has over twenty-six years of experience in law enforcement, corrections, security, and probation and parole. Justin serves as his agencies lead firearms and officer safety instructor and holds numerous certifications through the U.S. Courts and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in the areas of firearms, officer response tactics, use of force, active threat response, and tactical medicine. Justin is a nationally registered Emergency Medical Technician and regularly conducts tactical medical training for first responders throughout the state. In addition, Justin serves as a part-time EMT for a small rural service and also works as an EMS lab assistant at a local community college. Justin holds a Master's Degree in Sociology from Wichita State University and is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and the Kansas Air National Guard.

Classes by this instructor

Fentanyl Safety, Decontamination, and Identification for Law Enforcement and First Responders
Over the past several years, law enforcement and first responders across the United States have seen an alarming increase in the availability of dangerous synthetic opioids in the communities we serve. A large percentage of these synthetic opioids are derivatives of the synthetic drug "fentanyl." Fentanyl is listed as a Schedule II prescription drug that mimics the effects of morphine in the human body, but at a much higher potency. In addition to its high potency, fentanyl is readily available and is often used as an "additive" to other controlled substances, leading to an alarming increase of overdose deaths and accidental exposures.
Thursday, September 26, 2024, Hays KLETC Regional Site
Thursday, November 7, 2024, Dodge City KLETC Regional Site
Wednesday, January 22, 2025, Zoom Facilitated Sessions
Thursday, May 8, 2025, Zoom Facilitated Sessions
Practical Report Writing for the Line Officer
This course prepares participants through instruction and practice to properly prepare written reports common to the criminal justice/LE community. This course will focus on the structure of reports to include the reason reports are important. Attendees will be able to take good field notes, build a report that best represent what happened on scene, keep the report organized and build a report that will assist in the court hearing process.
August 28-29, 2024, Learning Center Classroom Bldg
Scenario-Based Tactical Medical Applications
Over the past several years, active community violence situations have brought attention to how first responders respond. One particular concern is how medical care is provided to victims during the early stages of the response. Usually, law enforcement is the first on the scene, and depending on scene safety considerations, they may be the only responders to provide initial aid to themselves, their partners, other first responders, and civilians. As violence against law enforcement and other first responders continues to increase, research shows that having medical providers near downed officers within seconds of being injured increases the chance of the injured officer surviving the incident.
October 15-16, 2024, Integrity Auditorium
Tactical Medical for First Responders
The Tactical Medical for First Responders program is designed to define a Medical Threat Assessment, to include a medical plan for a tactical operation.
Monday, September 30, 2024, Learning Center Classroom Bldg