Instructor: Russ Hutchins

Russ Hutchins
Biography: Instructor Bio: Russ Hutchins teaches U.S. history, Western civilization, economics, business, philosophy, and business management at Friends University. He is a retired public-school administrator and educator. .

Classes by this instructor

Brown v. Board of Education
It has been 69 years since the landmark decision which declared that segregated schools were not Equal, and which ushered in the Civil rights movement and laws of 1964-1970 making it possible for Dr. King and Malcom X to have a great impact. We'll explore this topic and examine the Brown II and Brown III supreme Court decisions that followed and discuss education today regarding race and discrimination. 

Instructor Bio: Russ Hutchins teaches U.S. history, Western civilization, economics, business, philosophy, and business management at Friends University. He is a retired public-school administrator and educator.

April 29, 2024 to May 13, 2024, Zoom Facilitated Sessions

We'll explore controversial elections between 1800 and 2020 discuss how the Electoral College works differently from the popular vote. We'll examine the Supreme Court's intervention in 1876 and the election outcome of the 2000 Bush v. Gore decision. Come join us as the information on the Court and College may impact the 2024 election.

Instructor Bio: Russ Hutchins teaches U.S. history, Western civilization, economics, business, philosophy, and business management at Friends University. He is a retired public-school administrator and educator.

June 26, 2024 to July 10, 2024, Zoom Facilitated Sessions