Course: AFIA 500 - Fundamentals of Feed Manufacturing

Course Description: AFIA 500 is a structured self-paced 5-week professional development course. The course will outline the basic fundamentals of feed manufacturing including understanding how the U.S. Feed Industry evolved and its current structure as well as the different processing steps involved in manufacturing feed. The lectures for this course are available as narrated PowerPoint presentations that are available for both instant view, or for downloading if a participant has a slower internet connection. Quizzes, discussion questions and additional course materials
are available via K-State's Canvas learning system.

Separate Registration Requirement (Important step before registering)
Before registering for this short course, registration is required through AFIA. Course cost is $499 for AFIA members and $685 for nonmembers.

 Course Details:

Schedule: This online professional development course will start on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, and conclude on Tuesday, July 23, 2024.
Registration opening soon.