
55th Annual Illinois BEDC will be held in Naperville, Illinois. The event will be held on four consecutive days October 21 through October 24. Registration is open. A limited number of scholarships offered by corporate sponsors will be available. More information about these scholarships can be found at the BEDC Illinois website at

October 20-23, 2025
This Catia Advanced course introduces the fundamentals of creating wireframe and surface geometry, and takes an in-depth look at process-based modeling techniques used to develop robust and flexible surface geometry, along with advanced curve construction, advanced swept, blend and offset surface construction, complex filet creation, etc.

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This course emphasizes effective visualization/interrogation/modeling practices, Performance enhancement tools, Advanced sketcher techniques, Advanced multi-section solid and rib/slot operations, Advanced duplication tools (patterns, power copies), 3D part model transformation operations, Multi-model links, Managing external links, Part design tables and catalogs, Catia Boolean operations, Wireframe & curve operation, Techniques to improve assembly design and optimize the assembly process, Assembly operations (redefine,restructure), Assembly duplication (multi-instantiation, component symmetry),Assembly management (managing components, managing scenes), Skeletons, Assembly design tables, Component degrees of freedom, Designing parts in context,Assembly features, Managing external references, Best practices for Top-Down Design, Part and Assembly Analyses. Regular Registration- $4,406.25. Boeing Registration with LTP Voucher- $3,540.00

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This course emphasizes design and model interrogation of products based on 3-D solid feature-based modeling using CATIA V5. It covers sketching (using 2-D curves to create 3-D models), various modeling and interrogation and analysis methods, and introductory assembly modeling and drafting with 3-D models. Different geometric modeling methods and the impact of 3-D solid models on manufacturing will be briefly discussed.

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Looking for a gift for someone in your life? We have the perfect opportunity! Gift a course, experience, membership, or offering through Online Services and Educational Outreach. We have gift certificates available in any denomination.

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This full-day virtual professional development (PD) experience is designed to equip school psychologists with the tools and knowledge to promote social justice and advocate for equitable outcomes in education.

Friday, April 11, 2025, Online
"The Nurse Education, Practice, Quality and Retention-Clinical Faculty and Preceptor Academies (NEPQR-CFPA) Conference is sponsored by the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA). This conference is mandatory for all 2025 program enrollees and open for a limited number of non-enrolled participants. The conference seeks to educate, support, and provide skills building for nursing clinical faculty and preceptors who train new and transitioning RNs and APRNs"

Friday, May 16, 2025, Online
This NX Advanced course introduces the fundamentals of creating wireframe and surface geometry, and takes an in-depth look at process-based modeling techniques used to develop robust and flexible surface geometry, along with advanced curve construction, advanced swept, blend and offset surface construction, complex fillet creation, etc.

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This course covers Assembly/Disassembly Sequencing and Animation, Part and Assembly Visualization & Interrogation Methods,Swept Features, Review Sketches, Constraining Sketching, Positioning Sketches,Additional Sketching Modeling Techniques, Review of Assembly Modeling, Assembly Navigation Tool, Bottom-up, Top-down, and Design-in-Context Assembly Modeling,Sub assemblies and Reference Sets, Inter part Modeling and WAVE, Inter part Expression, Feature-based Component Arrays, Part Families, Revisions and Substitutions in Assembly Models, Assembly Constraints/Motion & Arrangement,Measurements/Clearance Analyses, and Combined Usage of NX and Excel, Industry Applications.

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This course covers Geometric Modeling Techniques, Solid Modeling, Parametric & Associative Modeling, Various Visualization & Model Interrogation Methods, Measurements, UG User Interface Management, Boolean Operations of Solid Models, Primitives and Form Features, Edge and Face Operations, Swept Features & Other Features, Datum Reference Features, Sketching, Intro Assembly Modeling & Mating Constraints, Draft Intro, and Industry Applications.

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This is a one day conference that will highlight research grounded in a phenomenological, community arts-based approach inclusive of art therapy and sand play within Indigenous Research Methodologies and a Desire-based Framework. Please note: Early Bird pricing ends March 10, 2025.

Saturday, April 5, 2025, Morris University Conference Center
Join the AOSA approved Level 1 Teacher Training Course at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville hosted by the SIUE Department of Music. Our approved program is a comprehensive curriculum taught by experienced, enthusiastic, and rigorous Orff specialists. Orff Level 1 is largely experiential-a time in which the class as an ensemble comes together exploring, developing skills, creating, and analyzing music and movement activities primarily for K-8 music teacher, although objectives, scaffolding, and work are appropriate for secondary classrooms.

June 16-27, 2025, Dunham Hall - Main Hallway