
Join us for an informative combined introduction to the ACT and SAT. If you are preparing for college, you probably have some questions about the pre-college admission tests. This session will introduce you to both tests and highlight some of the key similarities and differences between them. Our experienced instructor will guide you through some sample questions and teach a you few strategies.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025, Online
Wednesday, March 26, 2025, Online
Wednesday, April 23, 2025, Online
Wednesday, May 21, 2025, Online
The SAT is a pre-college admissions test that is required by many colleges as part of a student's application. It is also a factor in determining scholarship offers. The test measures verbal, quantitative, and reasoning skills that students learn in their high school college-prep classes. Prepare for this important test with our SAT Prep Classes!

March 5-31, 2025, Online
March 30, 2025 to April 27, 2025, Online
April 1-24, 2025, Online
SAT Summer Institutes offer the same curriculum, materials, and online resources as our SAT Blitz classes, but they are scheduled during the summer when many students have more time available for practice. The SAT Summer Institute classes are offered live-online.

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