Course Detail: NXI1 - NX Introduction to Solid and Assembly Modeling

Subjects covered include: Geometric Modeling Techniques, Solid Modeling, Parametric & Associative Modeling, Various Visualization & Model Interrogation Methods, Measurements, NX User Interface Management, Boolean Operations of Solid Models, Primitives and Form Features, Edge and Face Operations, Swept Features & Other Features, Datum Reference Features, Sketching, Intro Assembly Modeling & Mating Constraints, Draft Intro, and Industry Applications.

Projects: A highlight of student projects is to build a complete toy radio controlled car. This requires students to build and interrogate 3-D models for components of the car with various geometric shapes and to assemble them into the final car assembly. This project consists of 13 mini-projects toward the completion of the toy car assembly. In order to complete these, students have to understand lecture materials covered in class and apply them properly. In addition, students will practice lecture materials with various hands-on design and assembly projects.
Regular Registration- $3,611.25. Boeing Registration with LTP Voucher- $2,889.00

Registration fee includes course materials. For additional information and upcoming sessions, contact us at

Available Sessions