Establishing Length of Engagement & Outcomes:
Coaching is provided as a series of 1-hour sessions, the number of which will depend on the goals and outcomes established by the organization and the client individual in discussion with the KU Public Management Center. Sessions may be conducted, in person, via video conference, or over the phone, as agreed upon by both parties. Three coaching sessions is the minimum engagement. After the initial three sessions, the Public Management Center will submit an outline of the number of additional sessions anticipated and over what period of time. This outline will be delivered to the organization within 10 days of the third initial session. The client organization will need to agree in writing to the number of planned sessions.
The content of coaching sessions are confidential to the coach and the client individual. Exceptions to confidentiality are situations where the client individual indicates they are, will, or wish to do harm to themselves or others, or if the coach learns about illegal activity.
Setting Goals:
The client individual will work with the coach to identify a pressing, compelling challenge or opportunity to address during the sessions. The coach will provide a sounding board to test ideas and a safe, objective place to process and plan. For the initial three sessions, the client sets up specific goals to work on.
Responsibilities of KU PMC Coach:
- To be committed to your professional and organizational success.
- To fully prepare each meeting to ensure that time is well spent.
- To be open, honest, constructive, respectful, and professional.
- To be open to input from client to bring more value to their experience.
- To provide 48 hours notice if a coaching session needs to be rescheduled.
Responsibilities of Client Individual:
- To be invested in the coaching relationship and be committed to achieving the goals outlined above.
- To remain open to receiving coaching, including willing to hear advice.
- To attend coaching sessions on time and provide 48 hours’ notice if a coaching session needs to be rescheduled.
- To be fully present during coaching sessions, with no external distractions (cell phones, other people, email, etc.).
- To complete any assignments agreed upon on time.
- To be open and honest during coaching sessions, include giving input to the coach on how more value can be created in each session.
- To provide an honest review of the coaching program at the end of the coaching series through an assessment survey.