Course Detail: CEPDK-GAOMFF - The Golden Age of Media: A Brief History of Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, and Television

The Golden Age of Media: A Brief History of Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, and Television

4 Weeks / In Person / Fridays, May 10, 17, 24, & 31

10:00AM - 12:00PM CST

Room B2200

Course Fee: $40

Join Myras Osman in his 15th year with The Knowledge Exchange for an exploration of the history of the newspaper industry, including yellow journalism and the industry's impact on American political life. The course will include coverage of the progressive muckraking reformers who changed journalism in both newspapers and magazines. The last two weeks of the course will examine the impact of radio and television from the 1920s to present day culminating with a trip down memory lane with a discussion of the classic TV shows of the 1950s and 60s that can still be viewed and enjoyed today.

NOTE: If paired with an afternoon course, this morning course qualifies for the second course discount of $35.00. Enter or mention the Promo Code TKE2 during registration.

 Session Information: CEPDK-GAOMFF-24SP2

Schedule: Every week on Friday, starting on 05/10/24 and ending on 05/31/24
Times: 10:00am-12:00pm CDT
This session contains no associated Fee Codes, so you cannot register at this time

Facility Detail

Governors State University Campus
1 University Parkway
University Park, IL 60484