Course Detail: CEPD-DFS1FF2 - Basic Drone Training with DJI Mini 3 Pro for Photos and Videos

Course Name: Basic Drone Training with DJI Mini 3 Pro for Photos and Videos

Course Fee: $99.00

Course Description: This is an introductory course designed to teach you how to fly drones, particularly the DJI Mini 3 Pro model. The training will focus on using the drone to capture high-quality photos and videos, covering everything from basic flight controls to tips for getting the best shots and footage. Cinematic Drone Flight with Video, Picture, Features, Settings, AI, Safety, Return To Home, Software, lens and filter theory, earn money, GIS, and so much more.

Pre-Requisite: None Required 

Books: None Required

 Session Information: CEPD-DFS1FF-24FA4

Schedule: Class meets at GovState on Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Times: 11:00am-01:00pm CDT
CEPD-DFS1FF : $99.00


Name Additional Resources
Aslam Shahid

Facility Detail

Governors State University
1 University Parkway
University Park, IL 60484