Course Detail: CEPD-ELCCOL - Employment Law Certificate Course

Course Description

Employment law is a branch of contract law that deals with relationships between employers and employees. This course will cover statutes such as the National Labor Relations Act, the Railway Labor Act, and other various statutes dealing with public employees. Topics to be included are master and servant, wages and hours, anti-discrimination in employment and minimum wages and maximum hours, as well as regulation of working conditions. 

Who should enroll?

Our Employment Law Certificate Course is a distance learning or independent study course designed for individuals pursuing careers in law and human resources. Upon completing this course, students will gain a deeper understanding of the main areas of employment law, and how they are informed, developed, and dealt with by the courts and tribunals.

Course Objectives:

  • Discuss the roots of the master-servant relationship
  • Distinguish employment from independent contracting
  • Distinguish employment at willfrom wrongful discharge
  • Identify torts that can be brought against employers
  • Examine discrimination in hiring
  • Discuss accommodation in working conditions
  • Identify labor organizations
  • Discuss unfair labor practices
  • Examine the structure of the National Labor Relations Act and the Railway Labor Act
  • Identify constitutional protections against discrimination
  • Discuss disability discrimination and accommodations
  • Examine age discrimination in hiring and in retirement

Required Books

Basic Labor and Employment Law for Paralegals, 2ndEdition - ISBN 978-0-7355-0777-7

Recommended Books

Oran's Dictionary of the Law, 4th Edition - ISBN978-1-4180-8091-4


There are no prerequisites to take the course.

Contact Hours

45 contact hours 

 Session Information: CEPD-ELCCOL-24FA5

Schedule: 100% Online
Times: 12:00am-11:59pm CDT
Employment Law Certificate Course : $995.00

Facility Detail

Governors State University Campus
1 University Parkway
University Park, IN 60484