Course Detail: CEPDK-CW13FF - The Civil War

The Civil War

4 weeks / In Person / Fridays, April 12, 19, 26, & May 3

1:00PM - 3:00PM CST

Room B2200

Course Fee: $40           

Lincoln Roundtable members and longtime Knowledge Exchange class leaders Bill Mitchell & Scott Dominiak return in their 13th year with The Knowledge Exchange.

This session will examine the differences between The Declaration of Independence and US Constitution Version 1.0 of the United States with Version 2.0 written by Abraham Lincoln.

The journey from 1.0 to 2.0 will be explored as it allowed Lincoln the latitude for editing the founding fathers' original intent amidst the Southern viewpoint of what they intended for version 2.0.  Also included will be a personal look at Lincoln and an examination of Robert E. Lee, whose dogged resistance to Lincoln's America caused untold misery for the country.

NOTE: If paired with a morning course, this afternoon course qualifies for the second course discount of $35.00. Enter or mention the Promo Code TKE2 during registration.

Available Sessions