Leadership Overview

Upcoming Micro Courses

Micro Courses

Personal branding allows you to curate your online and offline presence and can impact your opportunities for promotion, growth, visibility, and professional success. In this micro course, you'll be guided through the creation of your own personal brand, and we will assist you with the creation of a web presence and digital content.

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In this micro course, you will assess your own conflict management style and develop the ability to identify others' conflict management styles, so that you can successfully apply conflict resolution approaches in your everyday life and work. You will also develop your own personal conflict resolution toolkit that you can apply immediately in your workplace.

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In this micro course, you will learn strategies to prepare yourself to be compassionate, curious and confident to hold ANY conversation. By using the skills and techniques you will learn in this micro course, you can create opportunities for others to respond more favorably to feedback, turn conflict into opportunity, and foster creativity and problem-solving in the workplace or in your personal life.

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This micro course is for anyone that wants to be a leader in their current position, has recently taken on a managerial role, or aspires to take on a future leadership role. Regardless of whether you have a traditional leadership role within your company or organization, you will come away from this micro course with strategies on how to lead through challenging situations and boost your effectiveness as a leader.

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The skills explored in this micro course - including communication, critical thinking, integrity, teamwork, flexibility and resiliency - are consistently rated as the top skills desired by employers. No matter how long you have been in the workforce, there is always more for you to learn, re-learn, and even unlearn. Enrolling in this course with colleagues is also a great way for you to learn and grow together, and to take your team to the next level!

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The most successful and self-fulfilled people are not necessarily the smartest ones, but the ones who understand and apply emotional and social skills. In this micro course, you will learn how self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy and motivation are driven by our biology and affect our personal and work lives.

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The Enneagram is an ancient tool with a modern application. The Enneagram can help you understand your own and others' strengths, skills, fears, and motivations. Applying insights from the Enneagram enhances our ability to bring our best selves to our lives and work and to transform our relationships with others. Learn your personal Enneagram type and come away with tools and insights tailored to you that will help you grow professionally and personally.

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In this micro course, you will come away with skills and strategies for thinking and speaking on the spot, networking and building rapport using the practice of improvisation, creating positive first impressions, and becoming a confident conversationalist.

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Influence is key to success. In this micro course, you will learn strategies to enhance your powers of persuasion, build confidence, and increase your influence to help you and/or your team make a true difference in your workplace or community.

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Change is hard. It is also inevitable. These fast-changing times require us to be nimble and able to adapt. In this micro course, you will learn how to manage and/or cope with change personally and develop ways to lead others through change.

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This micro course will guide you in finding better strategies for managing your work so that you can achieve your full potential while nurturing your emotional well being, balance, and energy.

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Badge Programs

During this badge program, you will explore and apply strategies for navigating change and leading others through change. You will also hone key skills needed to effectively resolve conflict, think critically, and apply a growth mindset to any situation. To earn this badge, you must complete the following Clarke University CareerPLUS 15-hour micro courses: Conflict Management, Navigating Change, and Effective Employee's Toolbox. To earn this badge, you must meet the learning outcomes of this badge program by achieving at least 80% on all unit quizzes and applying your knowledge in responses to the required discussion prompts within each micro course.
During this badge program, you will apply strategies for growing your emotional and social intelligence skills and explore the application of leadership styles in various situations. Using the Enneagram as a tool to understand your own and others' strengths, skills, fears, and motivations, you will reflect on best practices for leading with self-awareness, self-regulation, and empathy. You can apply insights gained throughout this badge program to transform your relationships and bring out the best in yourself and others. To earn this badge, you must complete the following Clarke University CareerPLUS 15-hour micro courses: Developing the Leader Within, The Enneagram: A Life-Changing Tool, and Emotional and Social Intelligence. To earn this badge, you must meet the learning outcomes of this badge program by achieving at least 80% on all unit quizzes and applying your knowledge in responses to the required discussion prompts within each micro course.