Innovation Overview

Upcoming Micro Courses

Micro Courses

Personal branding allows you to curate your online and offline presence and can impact your opportunities for promotion, growth, visibility, and professional success. In this micro course, you'll be guided through the creation of your own personal brand, and we will assist you with the creation of a web presence and digital content.

Currently this micro course has no session offerings; stop back later.
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This micro course is for anyone that wants to be a leader in their current position, has recently taken on a managerial role, or aspires to take on a future leadership role. Regardless of whether you have a traditional leadership role within your company or organization, you will come away from this micro course with strategies on how to lead through challenging situations and boost your effectiveness as a leader.

Currently this micro course has no session offerings; stop back later.
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In this micro course, you will come away with skills and strategies for thinking and speaking on the spot, networking and building rapport using the practice of improvisation, creating positive first impressions, and becoming a confident conversationalist.

Currently this micro course has no session offerings; stop back later.
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Change is hard. It is also inevitable. These fast-changing times require us to be nimble and able to adapt. In this micro course, you will learn how to manage and/or cope with change personally and develop ways to lead others through change.

Currently this micro course has no session offerings; stop back later.
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