Assessment is a key aspect of teaching methodologies. It helps teachers monitor their students' progress over time, identify the strengths and weaknesses in their understanding and skills, evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching practices and curriculum materials, and inform important educational decisions. It is not without its challenges: time constraints and the need to avoid biases in student evaluations and align them with standards can make it difficult for teachers to properly assess their students.

January 1, 2025 to January 1, 2026
Mastery of instructional practices in reading provides teachers with the necessary tools to deliver high-quality instruction. New research on the Science of Reading (SoR) is shaping how schools are approaching literacy education. Emphasis on explicit and systematic teaching methods is now a core aspect of teaching students to read.

January 1, 2025 to January 1, 2026
Content area reading and writing enables students to engage with subject-specific materials effectively. By developing strong reading comprehension and writing skills, children can better understand complex concepts and theories, and think critically about the information they encounter. The new research on the Science of Reading (SoR) is shaping how we teach students to understand content across subject areas. This course is a spotlight on reading comprehension and vocabulary instruction across subjects.

January 1, 2025 to January 1, 2028
Reading is a crucial life skill: it equips children with the ability to communicate, think critically, navigate the world independently, access information, and acquire knowledge from multiple sources. Effective reading instruction is based on a range of needs, the complexity of language, developmental variation among students, continual assessment and adjustment. In this course, educators learn to implement evidence-based structured literacy practices that can transform students into master readers. The course provides an overall understanding of Science of Reading (SoR) and how it influences the classroom with a focus on systematic and phonetic reading instruction.

January 1, 2025 to January 1, 2028
This is a self-paced course designed to give you an introduction and overview of relevant philosophy, sport psychology, sport pedagogy, sport physiology, sport medicine and sport management issues confronting coaches.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2025
In the Cybersecurity Foundation course, students will learn fundamental principles associated with the current cybersecurity landscape and identify concepts required to recognize and potentially mitigate attacks against enterprise networks as well as mission critical infrastructure.

July 1, 2022 to July 1, 2026
In the Network Security Fundamentals course, students will gain an understanding of the fundamental tenants of network security and review the general concepts involved in maintaining a secure network computing environment. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to describe general network security concepts and implement basic network security configuration techniques. This online course begins the second Monday of each month.

July 1, 2022 to July 1, 2026
Attitudes are Contagious provides the research and strategies of positive thinking to increase an understanding and practice of positive thoughts that will change your attitude to optimism, your outlook to hope and your outcomes to success. This course will also explore stress's effect on our attitude and the human resilience that we all possess.

January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2027
This course provides an introduction to independent living for people with developmental disabilities. Topics include community-based programming, the deinstitutionalization movement, legislative issues, and the concepts of integration, inclusion and normalization.

January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2027
This course prepares educators to plan for their personal and professional development by understanding and using the principles of nonverbal/verbal communication; written communication; and interpersonal/team communication.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2025
This course explores strategies for teaming in education. Participants will consider strategies to effectively lead teams with a clear purpose while exploring adult learning approaches, emotional intelligence, communication, and navigating conflict in teams.

July 1, 2020 to July 1, 2025
This course explores habits and dispositions educators need to build resilience in their professional work. The course will consider how educators work through challenging situations to build their emotional resilience.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2025
Food and Culture is an online course that investigates the impact of culture on food preferences. Have you ever stopped to wonder why you choose the foods you do? Food and Culture leads you on a journey to identify social, cultural, religious, ethnic and personal choices and the impact that they have on personal health.

January 1, 2020 to January 1, 2026
This course is a professional development course designed for new teachers and long-time teachers to sharpen their Google Classroom skills. No matter how long you have been in the classroom, this course will provide some new ways to use Google Classroom for yourself, with your students and with stakeholders.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course is designed to review the basic concepts of executive functioning and how it impacts learning. Participants will learn ways to embed executive functioning skills in classroom routines and lesson plans. Participants will also learn basic executive functioning interventions to use with individual students and small groups.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
The course will cover the skills, knowledge, and awareness needed to achieve physical and programmatic accessibility to recreational experiences.

January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2027
Co-teaching has become common practice in classrooms, but is there a "best way" to co-teach to meet the needs of both students and teachers alike? This course will provide an overview of co-teaching and best practice and outline the many different co-teaching models.

July 1, 2022 to July 1, 2025
The primary objective of this course is to gain a greater understanding of the middle school curriculum and instructional strategies as well as the needs of early adolescent students. Our focus will be on the roles teachers play in incorporating this guided, interdisciplinary, and collaborative team approach that assists students during these fundamentally transformative years.

January 1, 2023 to January 1, 2027
The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics for Trauma is a developmentally sensitive, neurobiology-informed approach to dealing with trauma in children and adults. It is not a specific treatment or strategy but rather an overall approach to effectively help individuals with trauma.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
In this Professional Development for Educators Course, students will learn about the importance of developing an individual leadership plan. In order to effectively lead others, one must be able to lead her/himself.

July 1, 2022 to July 1, 2025
This course explores strategies and meaningful family-practitioner partnerships to support early social-emotional development through a review of environmental influences, guiding principles, supportive strategies, effective family-provider communication, and sustaining social-emotional development.

July 1, 2020 to July 1, 2025
This course explores the Pyramid Model and its strategies to provide early educators with guidance on the research-based practices used to promote social-emotional competence of all children, prevent social-emotional delays in children who are at risk for emotional and behavioral issues, and intervene effectively.

July 1, 2020 to July 1, 2025
Grounded in Lisa Westman's book: Student-Driven Differentiation, 8 Steps to Harmonize Learning in the Classroom, participants will get a step-by-step guide to help plan a differentiated unit to take back to their own classroom.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2025
This three-credit graduate professional development course will instruct educators in a new method for behavior change called Tiny Habits®. Tiny Habits® is a research-based way to create habits in your life.

January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2027
This course seeks to familiarize educators with various methods of teaching science, and then align those methods with the best and most appropriate outcomes according to Bloom's Taxonomy.

January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2027
This course is intended for students who want to increase their understanding of information security. Students will learn about the types of security risks, how they work, and how we can protect our computers and networks from these risks.

July 1, 2022 to July 1, 2026
Don't be afrA.I.d! Artificial Intelligence has major implications for teaching and learning. The best way to learn about a new technology is to try it out yourself in a safe environment. That's exactly what participants will gain from this engaging hands-on course. While there are thousands of free and paid AI tools on the market promising to revolutionize education, it can be risky creating and using accounts for unvetted software platforms.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
This course is designed to assist general educators and special educators gain a better understanding of ADHD, inclusion, differentiated instruction, and other ADHD teaching methods/strategies.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
Ants, Plants & Puppy Dog Toes course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages,teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
If these words make you excited, or uneasy and anxious about the future, then you've come to the right place! Don't be afraid! This course is the perfect first step on your journey to understanding and navigating ever-changing technology.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
One of the most meaningful ways we can leverage instructional technology is to use it to help special needs learners reach their goals.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Atomic Habits is a popular title that delves into habit science to provide a clear guide for creating positive habits in order to achieve lasting success. By studying this book, you will learn practical strategies to design habits that create lasting results. And the best part is, tiny changes produce these powerful outcomes.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Because Newton Said So course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Teachers suffer more stress than other workers, according to the National Foundation for Educational Research. A recent survey of over 5,000 teachers from the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence revealed that the most frequent emotion teachers feel every day is anxiety.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
This course is designed to give the learner a new perspective on student behavior and effective tools to facilitate positive student change. Taught by Mick R. Jackson MS/ED, this course provides a developmental framework to help the learner understand what students are trying to communicate through the "language" of their behavior.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
Pandemic teaching and learning has resulted in major shifts in the way teachers and students interact in the physical and virtual classroom.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Better Conversations: Coaching Ourselves and Each Other to Be More Credible, Caring, and Connected is a practical book with clear steps to the better conversations necessary for students' academic and social-emotional growth, as well as for our own well-being as educators.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Body Shop course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Body Works course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
The goal of this course is to provide participants with proven strategies and tools for creating and maintaining a healthy classroom culture. Participants will explore the key tenets of social emotional learning, culturally-responsive teaching, and equitable practices as a framework through which they can build and support a positive culture in their classrooms.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course provides a framework of information and turnkey program resources to build community within the school through social participation sport, recreation, service learning and employment practice for students with intellectual and or developmental disabilities. Topics include the science of socialization, tips for developing likability, principles for belonging, integration, inclusive design and advocacy strategies.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Flipped learning is a dynamic approach that is used to empower learners through the fostering of an individualized and customized learning space.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
The Internet and social media have greatly impacted the way our students read, write, express themselves, communicate, share, research, and learn.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Many teachers are not only struggling with their own anxiety, but are also working tirelessly to adapt educational practices to meet the needs of students with anxiety. This transformative course is designed to equip educators with the knowledge and tools necessary to support students with anxiety effectively.

January 1, 2024 to January 1, 2028
In this course, students will learn the four-layered framework-identity, skills, development, intellect and criticality-as they design historically responsive learning goals and lesson plans to reach all young students, especially students of color who traditionally have been marginalized by learning standards, government policies and school practices.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Dare to Lead is a beloved book by popular author Brené Brown which is about leaning into courage and building a courageous culture in our work. It explores the importance of developing an awareness of how we respond to our fears, and learning how to embrace tough conversations.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course is designed to give participants an opportunity to learn how to effectively develop and instruct a virtual classroom by making use of free resources available on the internet.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Differentiating instructions provides each individual student with the content, application, and assessment tools that will engage and expand their learning. Digital tools are an efficient way to create individualized and engaging learning experiences.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
As technology rapidly evolves, equipping students with strong digital and media literacy skills is more crucial than ever. This course provides educators with the foundational knowledge and practical strategies to navigate the complex digital landscape.

January 1, 2024 to January 1, 2026
The goal of this course is to provide participants with a framework of the skills, strategies, and tools necessary for designing, building, and facilitating a fully online or blended learning experience for students of all levels, identities, backgrounds and beliefs.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Early Childhood: Observation & Assessment explores observation and assessment instruments, as well as recommended practices and available resources for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. The content of this online course includes an emphasis on observing young children and assessing their early childhood learning environments.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
Early Childhood: Program Planning is designed to give you a new perspective on planning and implementing developmentally appropriate practices for young children from birth through age eight. In this online course you will learn what is meant by curriculum, assessment, evaluation, and program planning as these terms apply to early childhood education.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
Early Childhood: Typical & Atypical Development explores contemporary best practice and perspectives on early childhood development. The content of this online course includes patterns and sequences of typical development for children from birth to six years.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
Earth & Sky Secrets for Young Minds course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Earth's Crustal Antics course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Earth's Dirty Little Secrets course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Technology integration doesn't have to be hard. In fact, it should be easy! Regardless of your skill level, this course will walk you through innovative technology that will inspire your creativity and elevate the way you share information and ideas. Students will learn how to select and evaluate technology tools to align to current curriculum.

July 1, 2024 to July 1, 2026
In this learning event you will discover new ideas on solving classroom discipline problems.

April 1, 2022 to April 1, 2026
Project-based learning puts students in the driver seat of their education. Teachers provide the vehicle, resources, rest stops, and safety measures to support students on their learning journey. In this engaging course, participants will experience project-based learning first hand.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Evaluation & Assessment was written to help teachers understand concepts and terms related to evaluating and assessing students whose first language is not English.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
Linguistics was written to help teachers understand concepts and terms related to educating students whose first language is not English.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
Early Literacy refers to the understanding of language, print, and words developed before a child begins kindergarten. This course is designed for early childhood teachers as well as parents of young children to support the development of six major early literacy skills.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Equity, Biases, and Critical Thinking in the Classroom is designed to challenge one's thinking. Educators will explore the concept of equity vs equality and how it affects the actions we take in our classrooms and schools.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
This course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Everyday Waves course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Exploring the Power of a Digital Classroom provides a basic understanding of utilizing digital tools to enrich the learning experience for students.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
In this online course, taught by a certified Google Trainer, educators will discover resources they can use to take their students on virtual field trips. You must have a Google account, as participants will meet virtually via In the Google Classroom to discuss and collaborate with one another.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Eye on the Sky course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This online course shows teachers every method they will need to implement the Flipped Teaching model in their classroom. The techniques Flipped Teachers use to make videos, screencasts, websites, and blogs will be revealed, as well as ways to utilize all of the extra instructional time the Flipped method makes available.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
This course provides K-12 educators with the foundational knowledge and skills needed to effectively integrate technology into their teaching practices. Participants will learn about digital citizenship, cybersecurity, computational thinking, and the responsible use of digital tools.

January 1, 2025 to January 1, 2026
This course will explore the principles of gaming and gamification, as well as how these principles can impact - both positively and negatively - student engagement and success in the classroom.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Game-based learning embeds gaming principles into learning activities, creating motivating experiences where students learn by doing. Participants will learn and apply constructivism and Universal Design of Learning (UDL) theories to explore a variety of game-based learning experiences and tools.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
This course is designed to give participants an opportunity to learn how to effectively utilize and teach with several Google applications such as: Docs, Slides, Surveys and Gmail. Participants will develop curriculum, acquire resource awareness and produce ecourse options that will change how their classroom runs as well as eliminate obstacles that prevent some students from succeeding.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
The use of technology in education provides incredible opportunities to engage students in authentic learning, as well as collaborate with peers like never before.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Chrome is a powerful web browser with capabilities far beyond a basic search. In this online course, taught by a certified Google for Education Trainer, teachers will discover the power of Chrome.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Google Workspace consists of apps, add-ons, and extensions that can be used to enhance student learning and improve efficiency to help teacher wellness. Becoming a Google Certified Educator benefits both teachers and students. Participants will learn and apply digital literacy skills to navigate Google applications.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
This course, taught by an authorized Google Education Trainer, will give participants a chance to explore and test Google Classroom and its many functionalities.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Google Workspace consists of apps, add-ons, and extensions that can be used to enhance student learning and improve efficiency to help teacher wellness. Becoming a Google Level 2 Certified Educator benefits teachers, administrators, students, and caregivers.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
In this course students will gain an understanding of what it takes to research, select, prepare for, and write a successful grant application. By the end of the course students will have applied for two grants that have the opportunity to enhance their classroom or school.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.

Have Forces, Will Travel course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.

How Does Life Science Affect Me? course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.

This course is designed to give teachers an introduction to podcasts and how they can be used in the classroom. Students will explore what a podcast is, how to listen and subscribe to a podcast, and how to create a podcast. Additionally, students will explore different ways for their students to create podcasts to show learning and understanding.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
It is essential that today's educators provide students with opportunities to learn and build STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) skills across the curriculum. This task can be overwhelming because the application of these skills greatly varies across grade levels and content areas.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Visual, musical, and performing arts can be powerful tools for literacy education. Educational research has found a strong correlation between arts integration and increased student engagement, understanding, and retention.

January 1, 2024 to January 1, 2026
This iPad course is different to any other as it not only provides instruction on applications and how to use them; it demonstrates how using the iPad and applications can be implemented into the Core Standards; and then links the Core Standards to classroom content through providing opportunities for practical lesson design and assessment.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026

In this course participants will gain an understanding of how to operate their Ipad and become familiar with the opportunities it provides for enhancing the learning in their classroom.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
The African proverb, "It takes a village to raise a child" has taken on a new level of importance as schools and families work tirelessly to close learning gaps and educate our students under increasingly difficult circumstances. Educational research indicates a strong correlation between community support and student learning.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026

Just Simply Machines course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are; course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Language Acquisition for ESL Students was written to help teachers understand concepts and terms related to educating students whose first language is not English. This course discusses developmental theories and how they apply to English language learners. The focus of this course is on the process of second language acquisition and the role of the classroom teacher. Included in this course is information about the legal obligations of schools and teachers to provide services and about the types of programs schools might provide. Included is information on communicating with parents/guardians.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
Learning Disabilities: Practical Information for the Classroom Teacher, is an interactive computer-based instruction course, which provides an introduction to the field of Learning Disabilities for special education teachers, general classroom teachers, integration teachers and related professionals, especially those working in the areas of language, psychology and counseling.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
One-to-one classrooms where every student in a class is issued a school-owned device are becoming more popular. There is great potential to innovate and expand learning, but there is also potential for distraction and disruption.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Policy, technological advances, and foreign relations have impacted the makeup of our schools. We now teach populations of learners who are linguistically and culturally diverse. In this course, educators will analyze past and current theories, approaches, methodologies, programs and policies that impact their language learning populations.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Methods & Materials for Teaching ESL Students was written to help teachers understand concepts and terms related to educating students whose first language is not English. This course discusses how to apply instructional methods in creating lessons; how to create a motivating and caring learning environment; how to integrate teaching reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills; how to differentiate instruction for English language learners; and how to identify culturally appropriate curriculum and instructional resources.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
Teacher and student anxiety and burnout is a global problem that researchers have been focused on for decades. Implementing skills and strategies for mindfulness have proven to be an effective tool to increase well-being and prevent burnout.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
This course is designed for teachers who want to learn more about using EdTech in the classroom. Students will explore six online tools that can increase student engagement and learning. The information in this course can be used in any class as an alternative to traditional assignments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course is designed to lessen the time it takes for novice teachers to assimilate into the profession, and reduce the amount of teacher attrition that takes place.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
Learning institutions, universities, and public schools are in need of educators who are knowledgeable in designing and implementing engaging online instruction, sometimes referred to as "distance learning" or "elearning."

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Let's start by addressing the elephant in the room. This is an online course about technology fatigue. The resources and modules in this course are digital, and all of the assignments are online. Completing this course will involve a lot of screen time.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Phenomena are natural events that spark wonder, and inspire scientists to investigate and learn about our universe and our place in it. Tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, moonbows, and decomposition are some examples of phenomena that have inspired scientists to ask "why?" and "how?"

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Plants Inside and Out course allows teachers to learn at their own pace, on their own schedule, and from their own home or classroom. Plants Inside and Out course is a complete set of hands-on lessons centered on a single conceptual unit of instruction.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course will explore the importance of providing constant and effective feedback to students. Participants will characterize the critical nature of feedback in the learning process and identify key strategies for improving their current practices. The components of effective feedback, tools for providing feedback, and potential barriers to implementation will also be discussed.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course will focus on learning to read, reading to learn, and an introduction to reading assessment.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
Response to Intervention: Practical Information for the Classroom Teacher a course providing an introduction to the Response to Intervention process for special education teachers, general classroom teachers, parents, and related professionals.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
Rock N Science course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are; course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
By selecting to do Science for Beginning Einsteins the teacher can increase their science knowledge and improve their science curriculum at the same time because the teacher, as the purchaser, can use these lessons for their personal classroom use. This course is appropriate for teacher in grades K-2.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
The term "Science of Reading" has gained a lot of momentum over the last few years. The educational market has been flooded with "SOR" tools, resources, books, and programs, but as educators, we have a responsibility to ourselves and to our students to fully understand the research behind SOR and choose resources to use that are safe, ethical, and effective.

January 1, 2024 to January 1, 2026
This course is designed to give teachers an introduction to screencasting. A screencast can be a powerful educational tool to help with differentiation, independent learning, remediation, and flipped classroom scenarios.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Shocking Truth course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are; course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course will explore the advantages of student smartphone use in the classroom, as well as the potential obstacles that may arise from implementation.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Social-emotional learning (SEL) comprises life skills that are foundational to motivation in the classroom and classroom management. Students who have strong social and emotional skill sets will be more successful in the classroom and in life. In this course, students will first examine what SEL is, including the research foundational to SEL.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
Currently, schools are looking for ways to develop and support the social emotional learning (SEL) needs of their students. Providing SEL instruction helps motivate students in their learning, improves behavior and academic performance and benefits the entire school community.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Social Media has major impacts on our world. As educators, many of us experience social media through different lenses. Some are parents of children growing up with social media. Some are children of parents exploring social media. Many are experiencing social media first hand to learn, share, and connect.

January 1, 2023 to January 1, 2026
U.S. The Department of Education launched the "Being Bilingual is a Superpower" Initiative to promote multilingual education and encourage the implementation of high-quality language programs across the country. Many schools have implemented dual-language education models where students receive a percentage of their instruction, practice, and assessment in two different languages.

January 1, 2024 to January 1, 2026
This course will explore what it means to be "at-risk" and the strategies, programs, and services that exist to support at-risk students. Participants will define the term at-risk, identify strategies from motivating and encouraging at-risk students in the classroom, research available community programs and services, and create a detailed individual student profile and plan.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course is designed to help Early Childhood Educators gain strategies to reach and teach young children who are at risk of not meeting their potential. Participants will learn the internal and external factors that place a child at risk, how heredity and environment affect a child's development, the characteristics of various risk factors, and interventions for each risk factor. A major emphasis will be on the family's influence on the child's development and how Early Childhood Educators can work with families to support their child's growth in all areas of development.

July 1, 2022 to July 1, 2026
The goal of English immersion in a mainstream classroom is the acquisition of language skills through exposure, exploration, practice, and support. Teachers in English immersion classrooms also require training, resources, and support to create a safe space for all students to learn and succeed.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Talk to Me: Find the Right Words to Inspire, Encourage, and Get Things Done is a powerful guide that every educator should read to learn how to choose the words that will move students to action.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Teach Like a Pirate offers inspiration, practical techniques and innovative ideas that will help you increase student engagement, boost your creativity and transform your life as an educator.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course explores the 'do's and don'ts' of social media, including the negatives and positives of using social media. You will know how to create a socially connected classroom, how to teach your students to be respectful of each other online, how to teach students to protect their online identity and reputation, help students ward off cyber bullying, and show students how to build an online resume.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
This course is intended for teachers who are interested in or have already began incorporating online instruction into their classrooms.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
The course, Teaching Secondary Math Conceptually: Meeting Mathematics Standards, is designed to explain and connect the major concepts, procedures, and reasoning processes of mathematics.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
In this course participants will gain an understanding of how to operate their tablet and become familiar with the opportunities it provides for enhancing the learning in their classroom.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course is designed for teachers who want to learn more about using EdTech in the classroom. Students will explore six online tools that can increase student engagement and learning. The information in this course can be used in any class as an alternative to traditional assignments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course was developed by administrators and teachers with a combined 50 years of experience in the classroom to strengthen educators in these areas: accepting change in how lessons are delivered, accessing online educational resources, building a support system of colleagues to learn from, and assessing the value of specific digital tools in student learning.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
The Case for Space course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Nearly half of the students in US schools have experienced trauma, violence or chronic stress. In this course, learn about the impact of trauma on the body and mind and how to recognize it in student behavior.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
The Whole Brain Child is an easy-to-read, practical book that breaks down how a child's brain works and how the brain changes/develops over time.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
In this course students will gain an understanding of several current technological resources that are available for free use, as well as, understand the advantages of implementing such resources. Through peer-to-peer and instructor interactions by the end of the workshop each student will have an understanding of how to effectively implement the online component of teaching in a traditional classroom.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Close reading is a series of strategies that invite students to interact with complex texts. While researchers have noted many benefits of close reading, it takes a lot of understanding and planning to implement an effective close reading lesson.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
The NCTM has identified five process standards for K-12 mathematics instruction: Problem Solving, Reasoning, Communication, Connections, and Representation. While it is easy to list these processes, it can be very difficult to implement them in the classroom.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Are you ready to revolutionize your teaching practice? This course empowers educators to harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to boost efficiency, enhance student learning, and spark innovation. By the end of this course, participants will be able to confidently integrate AI tools into your daily routine, from crafting engaging lessons to streamlining communication.

January 1, 2024 to January 1, 2026
This online course is designed to provide you an opportunity to learn about an instructional framework, Differentiated Instruction (DI), aimed at creating supportive learning environments for diverse learning populations. Students will be presented a method for self-assessment of the extent to which their current instructional approach reflects the perspective, principles, and practices of the DI approach.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
The course will consider the many forms of aggression, both criminal and otherwise; its costs and motivation; its perpetrators and targets; its likely and unlikely locations; its impact on our schools, the children; and, most especially, its several causes and promising solutions.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
Understanding & Implementing Common Core Standards is an interactive computer-based instruction course designed to give you a deeper understanding of the rationale for and structure of this particular standards-based framework. In this course you will learn a number of factors that contributed to the overall design of the Common Core Standards as well as practical pedagogical approaches that will support practitioners working toward deeper implementation.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
Understanding the roles, rights, responsibilities, and restrictions of classroom teachers who teach students with IEPs can be overwhelming. It is essential that all educators who teach students with IEPs understand the laws and components of each Individualized Education Plan. Participants will assess their prior knowledge of the IEP process and develop a personalized goal for the course.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026
Discover the intricate world of dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia in this engaging course designed for K-12 educators. Participants will delve into the unique characteristics of each learning disability, exploring the latest scientific research behind their manifestations.

January 1, 2024 to January 1, 2026
This course is intended as an introduction to Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UDL is a, "set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn" (CAST, 2012).

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Let's go back in time! Primary sources are a direct connection to the people and events that shape history. Analysis of images, literary works, documents, and objects can help us understand and learn from events in our past and help shape our future. Inquiry-based learning puts students in the driver seat as they find the answers to questions that motivate them to learn, make connections, and form deeper understanding.

January 1, 2024 to January 1, 2026
In this online course, teachers will learn how to build capacity in using Open Educational Resources (OERs), sharing OERs and building OERs; they will connect with like-minded educators and communities, and establish a strong portfolio of an educator as a creator of digital curriculum and lessons.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
Incorporating visual representations into instruction can improve vocabulary, engagement, understanding, collaboration, and confidence in a class with English language learners. In this hands-on course, educators will gain valuable insights and strategies to empower English learners in building vocabulary, reinforcing concepts, promoting collaborative learning experiences, and boosting their independence and confidence.

January 1, 2024 to January 1, 2026
Who Needs Plants course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are; course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Why DI?: An Introduction to Differentiated Instruction is designed to give you an understanding of the framework of and need for creating supportive learning environments for diverse learning populations. In this course, you will learn what is meant by Differentiated Instruction (DI) and the common myths associated with creating the differentiated classroom.

July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2026
This course empowers educators to integrate Work-Based Learning (WBL) into their curriculum, providing students with valuable real-world experiences that enhance learning and career readiness.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
The act of thinking is invisible, which makes it difficult to fully understand the learning that is taking place in our students. As educators, it is our job to ensure that the invisible thinking turns into visible products.

January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026