Course Detail: PRA - Police Reserve Academy

This 3-part course sequence (Police Skills I, II and III equaling 288 hours) provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills applicable for entry into criminal justice fields to include Police Reserve positions, Community Service Officer positions and volunteer services. The course also provides a general basis of knowledge for full time employment in law enforcement fields to include Police Officer, Parole and Probation Officer and Correctional Officer. The PRA course is designed to prepare entry level workers to complete the physical fitness and firearm standards that are required by a vast majority of the law enforcement entities throughout the State of Oregon.

When registering please select all 3 terms if you are wishing to pay in advance and receive the discount.
Fee for Full Year: $3000.00 

Fee by Term: 1100.00/fall  1100.00/winter  1100.00/spring

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