Course Detail: PROJECTMAN - Project Management

Umpqua Community College Community & Workforce Training Department is now offering innovative, modern project management training for Douglas County and beyond.

What is project management and what do project managers do?

A project is a specific, time-bound activity that has defined objectives and goals. Within a project, the time-span is specific and finite, the final outcomes are planned, and there is a set budget.

A Project Manager is a professional that possesses the skills and aptitudes to execute project deliverables within a set of parameters. This differs from daily "management," which is ongoing, and not necessarily tied to specific outcomes. Project Managers need to have specific skill sets that make them uniquely qualified for managing time-bound, budgeted projects, as well as technical skills and understanding of their industry.

Project Management is a growing field, globally, 2.2 million additional Project Managers will be needed by 2027.

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