T&L 2900: VIR: Get Grants! (Instructor-Moderated)
What makes Gets Grants a different kind of grantwriting course?
For starters, your instructors have raised millions of dollars in grant funds and will share what they have learned over the years with you. More importantly, we will walk you through both federal and foundation grantwriting, pointing out the differences and similarities. In this course, you will learn how to develop successful, grant-fundable proposals.
Over the 6-week course you'll be shown step-by-step the process of grant proposal writing, whether you are tackling a federal grant, one from a national private foundation or a smaller grant from your local foundation.
- 1 credit offering
- $135.00
To register for this offering, please click here: Get Grants!. This online course may be taken self-guided or instructor-moderated. You will have the option when enrolling.