T&L 2900: VIR: Teaching Smarter with SMART Boards (Self-Guided)
In this course, you will discover how to create outstanding presentations with SMART Board and SMART Notebook technology. You will explore the basics of using these tools and discover how to create your own SMART board lessons blending text, videos, and graphics. You will also go beyond the bells and whistles and look at specific ways to use SMART technology to broaden your content and make your lessons accessible to all students. Finally, you will get some simple trouble-shooting tips that will come in handy if your SMART board isn't acting as smart as it should.
- 1 credit offering
- $135.00
To register for this offering, please click here: Teaching Smarter With SMART Boards. This online course may be taken self-guided or instructor-moderated. You will have the option when enrolling.