T&L 2900: VIR: Reading Across the Curriculum

Reading should be a meaningful activity that is focused on comprehension and results in understanding. When students struggle with a specific subject matter the underlying reason may be under-developed reading skills. The strategies in this course (including summarizing, predicting, clarifying, revisiting, rereading, connecting and more) help teachers understand how to assess reading skills in the classroom, plan instruction accordingly and develop students into proficient readers. Specifically, teachers learn methods that empower students to handle tough text, critically analyze what they read and bridge independent and shared reading to make real-world connections.

Pay $140 to Renew a Teaching License when you enroll and pay $55 for Graduate Professional Development credit to UND after you have completed your course.


  • 1 credit offering
  • $195 = TOTAL COST
    Pay $140 to RenewaTeachingLicense.com upon enrollment
    Pay $55 for Graduate Professional Development credit from UND
  • Letter grade only

INTERESTED IN TAKING THIS COURSE? ENROLL here: Reading Across the Curriculum

AFTER YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR COURSE, pay and register for the credit through UND below.

 Session Details

Schedule: Self-Paced, Enroll Anytime course. Complete within 4-6 weeks. Work at your own pace.
Attached Credit (1 credit, Letter grade) : $55.00 (Coupon Required)

Cancellation Policy

Please refer to Renew a Teaching License's website for more information.

Instructor or Facilitator

Name Additional Resources
Ellen Paxton