This online course explores how a persons' experience of generational poverty can influence success in school and work. The course is comprised of 12 modules. The modules offer research and interventions about understanding poverty that teachers may consider adopting to improve classroom settings and student learning experiences.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Ants, Plants & Puppy Dog Toes course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages,teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Atomic Habits is a popular title that delves into habit science to provide a clear guide for creating positive habits in order to achieve lasting success. By studying this book, you will learn practical strategies to design habits that create lasting results. And the best part is, tiny changes produce these powerful outcomes.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Because Newton Said So course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course will provide teachers with the best practice guidelines in all aspects of English Language instruction. Recommendations for teaching adolescent ELL learners, as well as those with learning disabilities will be discussed.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Excellent writing skills are important for all students across the curriculum. In this course, teachers will learn evidence-based instructional writing strategies that directly connect to the Common Core State Standards for K-12 students.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Better Conversations: Coaching Ourselves and Each Other to Be More Credible, Caring, and Connected is a practical book with clear steps to the better conversations necessary for students' academic and social-emotional growth, as well as for our own well-being as educators.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Body Shop course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Body Works course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
The goal of this course is to provide participants with proven strategies and tools for creating and maintaining a healthy classroom culture. Participants will explore the key tenets of social emotional learning, culturally-responsive teaching, and equitable practices as a framework through which they can build and support a positive culture in their classrooms.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course provides a framework of information and turnkey program resources to build community within the school through social participation sport, recreation, service learning and employment practice for students with intellectual and or developmental disabilities. Topics include the science of socialization, tips for developing likability, principles for belonging, integration, inclusive design and advocacy strategies.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Bullying is something every teacher will have to deal with in his/her career. This course will cover topics ranging from; the differences between boy and girl bullies, the role of peers in bullying, classroom atmospheres that support or discourage bullying, sexual harassment, as well as how to implement a successful intervention program.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
In this course, students will learn the four-layered framework-identity, skills, development, intellect and criticality-as they design historically responsive learning goals and lesson plans to reach all young students, especially students of color who traditionally have been marginalized by learning standards, government policies and school practices.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Dare to Lead is a beloved book by popular author Brené Brown which is about leaning into courage and building a courageous culture in our work. It explores the importance of developing an awareness of how we respond to our fears, and learning how to embrace tough conversations.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course is designed to give participants an opportunity to learn how to effectively develop and instruct a virtual classroom by making use of free resources available on the internet.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
The goal of this course is to provide participants with a framework of the skills, strategies, and tools necessary for designing, building, and facilitating a fully online or blended learning experience for students of all levels, identities, backgrounds and beliefs.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
In this course, teachers will learn how to anticipate and teach the most common obstacles students face in the process of becoming fluent readers.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Earth & Sky Secrets for Young Minds course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Earth's Crustal Antics course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Earth's Dirty Little Secrets course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This online course explores literature related to family engagement in K-12 education settings. The course is comprised of 6 modules. The modules offer family engagement information and ideas that teachers may consider integrating into their teaching methods as a strategy to improve student learning.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Everyday Waves course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Eye on the Sky course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course will explore the principles of gaming and gamification, as well as how these principles can impact - both positively and negatively - student engagement and success in the classroom.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course is designed to give participants an opportunity to learn how to effectively utilize and teach with several Google applications such as: Docs, Slides, Surveys and Gmail. Participants will develop curriculum, acquire resource awareness and produce ecourse options that will change how their classroom runs as well as eliminate obstacles that prevent some students from succeeding.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Learn how to differentiate with Google Forms! Google Forms are by far the best feature of the Google Apps for Education Suite. Participants in this class will learn a minimum of 50 creative uses of Google Forms.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
In this course students will gain an understanding of what it takes to research, select, prepare for, and write a successful grant application. By the end of the course students will have applied for two grants that have the opportunity to enhance their classroom or school.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Based on the book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, this course explores what Grit is and why it matters. Different case scenarios whereby passion and perseverance versus talent relative to achievement will be highlighted.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.

The term "Autism Spectrum Disorders" comprises a number of developmental disabilities, all of which are characterized by impairments in socialization and communicative development. Students in this course will learn about the identification and treatment of Autism, as well as educational methods.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.

Have Forces, Will Travel course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.

How Does Life Science Affect Me? course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.

This course is designed to give teachers an introduction to podcasts and how they can be used in the classroom. Students will explore what a podcast is, how to listen and subscribe to a podcast, and how to create a podcast. Additionally, students will explore different ways for their students to create podcasts to show learning and understanding.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.

In this course participants will gain an understanding of how to operate their Ipad and become familiar with the opportunities it provides for enhancing the learning in their classroom.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.

Just Simply Machines course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are; course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.

This online course explores how a persons' potential can be fulfilled throughclarity and understanding of beliefs about their capabilities and how those beliefs influence learning and the paths taken in life. The course is comprised of9 modules. The modules offer information and ideas about mindsets that teachers may consider adopting to improve classroom settings and student learning experiences.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course is designed for teachers who want to learn more about using EdTech in the classroom. Students will explore six online tools that can increase student engagement and learning. The information in this course can be used in any class as an alternative to traditional assignments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Based on the book, 'Most Likely to Succeed: Preparing Our Kids for the Innovation Era', this course will explore the difference between what students must do to earn a degree (high school or college) versus what makes them most likely to succeed in work, citizenship, and lifelong learning. From the author's point of view, the course will also consider what can and must be done to transform education for the twenty-first century along with examples of best practices in high schools and colleges around the country.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Plants Inside and Out course allows teachers to learn at their own pace, on their own schedule, and from their own home or classroom. Plants Inside and Out course is a complete set of hands-on lessons centered on a single conceptual unit of instruction.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course will explore the importance of providing constant and effective feedback to students. Participants will characterize the critical nature of feedback in the learning process and identify key strategies for improving their current practices. The components of effective feedback, tools for providing feedback, and potential barriers to implementation will also be discussed.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Rock N Science course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are; course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
In this course, regular and special education teachers will learn how to identify and decrease student stressors, create interventions to identify student learning styles and strengths and use these strengths in the classroom to improve academic achievement and emotional well-being.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
By selecting to do Science for Beginning Einsteins the teacher can increase their science knowledge and improve their science curriculum at the same time because the teacher, as the purchaser, can use these lessons for their personal classroom use. This course is appropriate for teacher in grades K-2.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course is designed to give teachers an introduction to screencasting. A screencast can be a powerful educational tool to help with differentiation, independent learning, remediation, and flipped classroom scenarios.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Shocking Truth course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are; course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course will explore the advantages of student smartphone use in the classroom, as well as the potential obstacles that may arise from implementation.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course will explore what it means to be "at-risk" and the strategies, programs, and services that exist to support at-risk students. Participants will define the term at-risk, identify strategies from motivating and encouraging at-risk students in the classroom, research available community programs and services, and create a detailed individual student profile and plan.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Talk to Me: Find the Right Words to Inspire, Encourage, and Get Things Done is a powerful guide that every educator should read to learn how to choose the words that will move students to action.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Teach Like a Pirate offers inspiration, practical techniques and innovative ideas that will help you increase student engagement, boost your creativity and transform your life as an educator.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
In this course, teachers will learn how to teach students to manage their emotions and anger. They will learn how to develop lessons and interventions that engage students and promote positive behavior.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course is intended for teachers who are interested in or have already began incorporating online instruction into their classrooms.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
In this course, you will learn how to teach students with autism to build positive relationships and to use the "10 Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships" explained by Dr. Temple Grandin and Sean Barron on a daily basis.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This two credit course will provide guidance for teachers who are interested in creating learning environments that address the diversity typical of mixed ability classrooms.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
In this course participants will gain an understanding of how to operate their tablet and become familiar with the opportunities it provides for enhancing the learning in their classroom.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course is designed for teachers who want to learn more about using EdTech in the classroom. Students will explore six online tools that can increase student engagement and learning. The information in this course can be used in any class as an alternative to traditional assignments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
The Case for Space course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Nearly half of the students in US schools have experienced trauma, violence or chronic stress. In this course, learn about the impact of trauma on the body and mind and how to recognize it in student behavior.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course explores 'mindful education' as a classroom enhancement strategy with the intent to enhance student achievement. Characteristics of a "mindful teacher" will be highlighted as will "mindful practices" for the classroom. The course is comprised of 5 modules. The modules offer information and ideas about mindful education that teachers may consider adopting to improve classroom settings and student learning experiences.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
The Whole Brain Child is an easy-to-read, practical book that breaks down how a child's brain works and how the brain changes/develops over time.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
In this course students will gain an understanding of several current technological resources that are available for free use, as well as, understand the advantages of implementing such resources. Through peer-to-peer and instructor interactions by the end of the workshop each student will have an understanding of how to effectively implement the online component of teaching in a traditional classroom.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course is intended as an introduction to Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UDL is a, "set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn" (CAST, 2012).

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Many students using augmentative and alternative communication devices in general and special education classrooms are not working up to their academic potential, despite having access to superior technology. In this course, teachers will learn how to assess the needs of their students using AAC and how best to translate use of this technology into academic success, regardless of cognitive ability.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Based on the book 'What Great Teachers Do Differently', this course explores characteristics of effective teachers. Matters such as; how effective teachers view their classrooms and students, how they prioritize, and what drives their decisions will be highlighted. This course will present an opportunity for teachers to examine their own effectiveness as well as to refine their skills as preferred.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
Who Needs Plants course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are; course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This online book study course provides the neuroscience research and Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor's lived experience of developing her method for "Whole Brain Living."

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.
This course empowers educators to integrate Work-Based Learning (WBL) into their curriculum, providing students with valuable real-world experiences that enhance learning and career readiness.

This offering is currently unavailable for registration.