T&L 2900: VIR: Guided Reading: Strategies for the Differentiated Classroom (Self-Guided)
In this course, you will learn differentiated instruction tactics that will help you understand how your students learn. When you apply those tactics within the guided reading framework, which helps you lead students through new ways of approaching text, great things start to happen. The result is a classroom full of students who can negotiate increasingly challenging texts with unprecedented fluency.
This course is critical for modern educators, who often must teach on the run with limited resources and unlimited demands on their time. Get ready to reach your readers with ease in no time flat!
- 1 credit offering
- $135.00
To register for this offering, please click here: Guided Reading: Strategies for the Differentiated Classroom. This online course may be taken self-guided or instructor-moderated. You will have the option when enrolling.