Course Detail: 368PHONE - 368 Smart Phone Basics

In this engaging and interactive course, participants will explore the fundamental features and functions of smartphones, including navigating the user interface, managing apps, and utilizing key settings. From making calls and sending messages to capturing photos and accessing the internet, we'll cover everything you need to know to confidently wield your smartphone as a versatile tool for communication, productivity, and entertainment.

 Session Information: 368S24 (SOLD OUT! Waitlist available)

Schedule: Every week on Wednesday, starting on 05/22/24 and ending on 05/29/24
Only 13 days left to register!
Times: 06:00pm-09:00pm EDT


Name Additional Resources
Gary Holik

Facility Detail

SVSU Campus
Curtiss Hall, Room 129
7400 Bay Rd
University Center, MI 48710