Course Detail: POLK - Who is James K Polk? - America's Little-known Presidents

While even the weakest history buff may be familiar with the achievements of Abraham Lincoln or Franklin Roosevelt, few relish the administrative triumphs of James K. Polk, Millard Fillmore or Warren G. Harding. These and other little-known presidents are often lost to history, overshadowed by their more glamorous counterparts - but why have they been forgotten? Were their administrations devoid of achievement or simply a victim of the times-leaving important accomplishments to flounder amidst a rapidly changing era, quickly dismissed? Did their personalities or management styles show them to be more wallflower than world leader? Or have their positions of importance simply lessened over time as others outshone them with their presidential prowess? In this class, taught by Dr. Katherine Ellison, OLLI director and presidential historian, students will explore and discuss those presidents whom have fallen into the folds of the history books, discerning just why they have landed there.

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