Course Detail: 338CIVIL - 338 Civil War

Join our exploration of the complexities of the Civil War. Dive into its nature and causes: Was it truly a civil war, and was slavery the primary driver? With a toll of 600,000 lives lost, we'll examine global perspectives on this pivotal moment. Scrutinize the war through various lenses, including political and military leaders, and civilian experiences. Special focus on the Battle of Gettysburg's impact. Prepare for engaging discussions, including round table formats for diverse viewpoints. Don't miss this crucial period in American history! Class minimum: 5 ? Class Maximum: 30

 Session Information: 338S24 (17 seats (57%) remaining)

Schedule: Every week on Thursday, starting on 06/06/24 and ending on 06/27/24
Times: 01:00pm-03:00pm EDT


Name Additional Resources
Dan Marino

Facility Detail

SVSU Campus
Curtiss Hall, Room 129
7400 Bay Rd
University Center, MI 48710