Available Courses

The Advanced Avionics Course is an in-depth study of avionics and covers some legacy systems, in particular those that civil aviation authorities intend to keep in operation as a backup for satellite navigation.  

avionic, avionics, helfrick, systems, legacy, satellite, PBN, RNP, engineer, navigation, GPS, GNSS

May 5-9, 2025, Boeing Center for Aviation & Aerospace Safety (Daytona Beach Campus, FL)
Our Airline Network Planning and Scheduling virtual online course will cover Airline network structure, Introduction to the main components of the airline schedule planning problem, Feasibility of new routes, and much more...

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This online course will discuss the nature of emergencies and natural disasters in a company, with a focus on how emergency response, resilience, and business continuity can mitigate the impact on the enterprise.

October 28, 2024 to November 22, 2024, Online Course
Embry-Riddle gold eagle logoPilot's epaulette with cockpit instruments in the backgroundThis comprehensive instructor-facilitated online course prepares students to become a commercial-rated airplane pilot.

flight training, AVS1200F

September 1, 2024 to December 14, 2024, Online Course
The goal of our Hypoxia Awareness Training in the High Altitude Lab normobaric chamber is to teach the warning signs of hypoxia and how to mitigate the risk.

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If you are challenged by the regulatory requirements as well as the implementation of Aviation Safety Management Systems and in need of someone to guide you through the regulatory labyrinth (ICAO, FAA, EU/EASA regulations), consider this exciting opportunity.

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In the virtual Introduction to Aircraft Certification Course, participants will learn the fundamentals of certifying an aircraft through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). 

introduction to civil aircraft certification, civil aircraft, certify, airworthiness, FAA, certify, AE, regulations, aircraft certification, certifying

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The Avionics Course introduces engineers and technicians to modern avionics including Performance-Based Navigation (PBN), and Required Navigation Performance (RNP). 

avionic, avionics, helfrick, systems, PBN, RNP, engineer, navigation, GPS, GNSS

December 9-13, 2024, Boeing Center for Aviation & Aerospace Safety (Daytona Beach Campus, FL)
Embry-Riddle gold eagle logoEmpty desert runwayOur Private Pilot Ground School course examines the basics of aerodynamics, aircraft performance, VFR cross-country navigation techniques, weather reports and forecasts, Federal Aviation Regulations, elements of resource management, and safe flying practices.

flight training, AVS1000F

September 1, 2024 to December 14, 2024, Online Course