Upcoming Trainings


This training covers essential apple tree pruning skills, combining technical instruction with hands-on practice. Participants will learn proper tool usage, including pneumatic pruners, Sawzall, and loppers, for safe and effective pruning. The course focuses on optimizing tree height, improving airflow, reducing disease risks, and pruning for healthy growth and fruit production. It also covers techniques for managing neglected trees and removing dead or damaged wood to enhance tree health.

Saturday, March 29, 2025, Red Schoolhouse - Rm 108
This three-day training, with an infield component in each session, is designed for ag service providers who want to increase their knowledge of agronomic concepts.

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An introduction to the basic skills needed to become an arborist. Using the Double-Rope Technique (DRT), you'll learn about friction hitches to ascend a tree with spurless climbing.

This training contains no sessions
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The Maple Flavor and Grading course is designed to provide participants with the essential skills to assess and grade maple syrup based on key factors: color, clarity, density, flavor, and off flavors. Participants will learn to use grading kits and tools to evaluate syrup quality, ensuring consistency and adherence to industry standards. This training is crucial for anyone involved in maple syrup production or grading, ensuring high-quality, market-ready products.

March 15-16, 2025, RSH - Rm 108
This training will introduce students to the basics of maple tree tapping for tree health, woodlot management, and basic tool maintenance. This hands-on training will provide participants the opportunity to practice tapping trees on the campus sugarbush, ideal for those interested in tapping their own trees and/or interested in employment with a maple sugaring operation.

Saturday, March 1, 2025, Red Schoolhouse - Rm 108
With a focus on wetland hydrology; hydric soils; hydric vegetation; wetland development; and current Vermont regulations, participants will complete field practical's and demonstrate knowledge of soil and plant identification, and wetland delineation in accordance with the ACOE Field Delineation Manual. The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division has approved this training for four (4) Soils and one (1) Non-Soils credits for Wastewater and Potable Supply Designers Continuing Education (a total of 5 CEUs).

June 9-13, 2025, 700 Building - Rm 7130