Upcoming Trainings |
Class A Prep - Residential Onsite Wastewater Disposal Systems
Geared toward individuals with little to no experience in the profession, and a desire to obtain a Class A Wastewater Designer License, this training prepares individuals to sit for the exam and covers the administrative rules for licensure of a Class A License Designer.
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Class A Soils - Field Description of Soils
Participants will focus on important soil properties in the field related to soil drainage and on-site waste disposal, including soil texture, color, redoximorphic features, soil structures and permeability. Participants will evaluate and identify soil characteristics using standards appropriate to Vermont wastewater system design, as well as describe soils and estimate seasonal high water table levels. The VT Department of Environmental Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division has approved this for four (4) Soils and one (1) Non-Soils Continuing Education credits.
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Class B - Alternative and Pressurized Wastewater Disposal Systems
Prepare to take the exam which covers the administrative rules and expectations for licensure as a Class B Licensed Designer. This one-day workshop is geared towards individuals who currently hold a Class A License and have a desire to obtain their Class B wastewater designer license. The VT Department of Environmental Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division has approved this for four (4) Non-Soils Continuing Education credits.
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Class BW - Water Supply Designer CE & Written Exam Prep
Recommended for those planning to take the BW State Exam
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IA Wastewater Service Providers Training I: Regulations, Chemistry & Environmental Impacts
Training 1 of 2 for continuing education and eventual licensure is for Vermont Service Providers of Approved Innovative/Alternative Wastewater Disposal Systems.
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Redoximorphic Features in Soils and Advanced Analysis of Soil Texture
Redox or mottles? Silt loam or sandy loam? Why does all this matter? Understanding and identifying saturated soil features and soil texture is critical to designing soil-based wastewater treatment systems. This training will review the formation and identification of redoximorphic features including concentrations, depletions, and the soil matrix. Along with identifying the soil texture and understanding the role soil textures play in the formation of redoximorphic features. This workshop is for licensed designers who are already comfortable with the components of identifying soil texture for wastewater treatment systems. This training assumes familiarity with the USDA Soil classification system. The VT Department of Environmental Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division has approved this training for four (4) Soils Continuing Education credits.
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Septic System Contractor/Installer I
With lecture and lab/field activities, this one-day workshop will provide contractors/installers of on-site wastewater treatment systems (septic systems) with updated knowledge and experience with the Wastewater Rules, Septic System Components, and Site Layout on residential properties.
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Septic System Contractor/Installer II
Improve your company knowledge and marketing ability - get certified!
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Septic System Contractor/Installer III
Improve your company knowledge and marketing ability - get certified!
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Understanding & Diagnosing Failed Wastewater Systems
3 VT DEC Non-Soil Training Credit Hours: DEC Regional Engineers will present how to diagnose malfunctioning and failed septic systems, permit approaches for these systems including variances, new guidance documents for designers and contractors, and new homeowner information sheets.
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