Instructor: Justin Heap

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Classes by this instructor

This course builds on the topics and techniques introduced in the basic to intermediate SolidWorks course and will prepare students to take the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional (CSWP) exam. Students will advance from simple shape modeling to fully parametric complex models, while becoming a more efficient and effective designer for real world design industries.
August 19, 2024 to October 7, 2024, Miller Campus - MFEC, 229
August 19, 2024 to October 7, 2024, Online
The Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam certifies students in basic to intermediate SolidWorks techniques with a focus on its parametric capabilities.
Wednesday, December 11, 2024, Miller Campus - MFEC, 229
This course introduces basic to intermediate SolidWorks techniques with a focus on its parametric capabilities. Students will progress from basic design models to full parametric models, assemblies, and drawings.
October 7, 2024 to December 9, 2024, Miller Campus - MFEC, 229
October 7, 2024 to December 9, 2024, Online