Instructor: Molly Garfield

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Classes by this instructor

This course is one of four designed for Utah K-12 educators seeking a Health Endorsement. This course focuses on adolescent sexuality/behavior, age and topic-appropriate instruction, state law, and effective curriculum/strategies for human sexuality education within secondary schools including maturation, parenthood, interpersonal skills, and related pedagogy issues. Overview of biological, psychological, and sociological aspects of sexuality education.
October 28, 2024 to December 9, 2024, Online
This course is one of four designed for Utah K-12 educators seeking a Health Endorsement. Students will develop lesson plans and present them in secondary education settings. Health educators will have a complete understanding of the Utah Core Standards for Health Education and recognize high-quality curricular materials that are aligned with the standards. Health educators will be able to design proper assessments for students to measure mastery of the standards as well as practice instructional strategies, skills, and methods for diverse learner styles, including trauma-informed instruction.
September 3, 2024 to October 22, 2024, Online