Certificate Detail: LINEWRKRAPPCERT - Lineworker Apprentice Certificate

The Lineworker Apprenticeship program is designed to provide related technical instruction for students currently employed as apprentice lineworkers in the power transmission and distribution industry. A lineworker constructs, maintains, and repairs the transmission and distribution network required to deliver electric power to customers. The program covers topics related to construction, maintenance, and operation of underground and overhead electrical systems.


Course Title Mandatory Year Span
Lineworker Apprenticeship 1A Mandatory 0
Lineworker Apprenticeship 1B Mandatory 0
Lineworker Apprenticeship 2A Mandatory 0
Lineworker Apprenticeship 2B Mandatory 0
Lineworker Apprenticeship 3A Mandatory 0
Lineworker Apprenticeship 3B Mandatory 0
Lineworker Apprenticeship 4A Mandatory 0
Lineworker Apprenticeship 4B Mandatory 0

Electives Required: 0