Course Detail: EFAQ - Educard Frequently Asked Questions
What is Educard?
- Educard is a special community program that allows you to attend selected credit classes offered by Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. It provides an opportunity for you to sample the subjects that interest you most, from accounting to zoology.
Who is eligible for Educard?
- Anyone who is not currently enrolled for credit in the University is eligible. High School students are eligible and may take up to three classes.
Which classes are approved for Educard participation?
- A wide variety of classes are approved for Educard participation. Please see this link to SIUE CougarNet where you will find the Course Catalog and class schedule including descriptions, dates, times and locations for classes.
- The classes not offered through Educard are classes with a full enrollment, non-credit classes, travel study, distance education, classes in which a danger may exist, classes requiring prerequisites, and classes where added direct expense may be incurred by the University.
How much does it cost?
- The fee for Educard is $60.00 per course. No more than three courses may be taken through Educard in any one term.
What is not included?
- You will not receive a grade as an Educard participant.
- No official records of your classwork or attendance will be kept; therefore no transcript is available.
- Since you do not pay normal student welfare and activity fees you may not participate in student services and activities supported by those fees.
What about textbooks?
- As an Educard participant, you may borrow textbooks, as available, at no cost through Textbook Service, located at 200 University Park Drive, lower level. You may pick up your textbooks after the first week of classes, and you are required to return textbooks to Textbook Service at the end of the term.
May I use the Library?
- Yes! You may request a Lovejoy Library courtesy card for the term you are enrolled as an Educard participant.
Where can I park?
- As an Educard participant, you may purchase a red student parking hangtag at Parking Services in Room 1113 of Rendleman Hall. This hangtag will permit you to park in any of the designated "red" student parking lots while attending classes.
Available Sessions
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