Survey ADA Accessibility & The Power of Inclusive Design

This course surveys local, federal, and international accessibility standards affecting virtually every habitable structure in daily life. Society is becoming more inclusive of persons with disabilities. Architecture must move with changing times and accommodate the requirements o both the able bodied and those with special needs. Design professionals must create space that allow for maximum autonomy for all individuals. Despite the increase in the number of tools, techniques, and technologies, design professionals still poorly understand inclusive design. Topics include: I Understanding federal accessibility standards (and by definition, local and state standards);II Understanding global guidelines regarding accessibility; III Appraise International accessibility standards; IV Accessibility as a "wellness" and "holistic" consideration. Outcomes and Objectives:1. Participantslearnaboutaccessibilitystandards.2. Participants appraise federal standards.3. Participants disseminate ordinances addressing accessibility;4. Participants apply understanding of critical life, safety, health and welfare elements by examining existing conditions case studies. This class offers 2 hours dedicated to accessibility. Proposed Agenda:9am-9:15am Class convenes; Roll Call (online)9:15-10:00am Review of U.S. Federal ADA Accessibility Standards (NYS, NYC, as applicable)10:00-10:30am Case Studies (as applicable)10:30-11:00am Overview of Inclusive Design. 4 AIA, HSW, LU

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