Certificate: Graphic Design

Communicate your message with typography, layout, color, and image. Master an industry standard: Adobe CC. Choose from a wide selection of electives and develop a multidisciplinary practice. Build a professional design portfolio and launch your career. Please note: additional elective classes towards the completion of the Graphic Design certificate can be taken from the following certificate programs: AI Design; Branding and Digital Marketing; CAD Design; Digital Product Design; Fashion New Media; Human-Centered Design; Photography and Video Production; UX/UI Design; Web Design.


Course Title Mandatory Year Span
Introduction to Graphic Design Mandatory 0
Introduction to Typography Mandatory 0
Brand Design and Corporate Identity Mandatory 0
Graphic Design Portfolio Mandatory 0
Fashion Illustration Elective 0
Adobe InDesign Elective 0
Adobe After Effects Elective 0
Design Ideation and Research Elective 0
Illustrator Advanced Elective 0
Introduction to Illustrator Elective 0
Introduction to Photoshop Elective 0
Photoshop Advanced Elective 0
Editorial Illustration Elective 0

Electives Required: 4