DAMO - Diagnosis and Management of Cerebellar Tonsillar Ectopia (aka Chiari)
Baffled by patients who don't resolve as you'd expect?
Cerebellar Tonsillar Ectopia is seen in 1 in 4 with neck pain following whiplash.
Learn subtle and powerful tools to alleviate the underlying cause of devastating symptoms.
Be the beacon of hope for patients seeking answers!
Patients frequently present with neck pain and a history of whiplash. While management of these individuals is usually fairly simple, there is an increasingly recognized - but frequently missed - condition that may occur following whiplash injury.
Symptoms can range from intractable headache to a wide variety of neurological symptoms, including muscle weakness, dizziness, paresthesia, hypersensitivities, visual disturbance, memory loss, cardiac irregularities and tinnitus. Differential diagnoses include fibromyalgia, migraine headache, Lyme disease, and multiple sclerosis.
As chiropractors, we are uniquely qualified to address adverse mechanical forces directly impacting CNS function. This workshop seminar will provide you the ability to specifically direct adaptive spinal adjustments as well as simple yet profound cranial and meningeal adjustments to dramatically improve your patients' quality of life.
We are excited to welcome Dr. Sardonicus back for a full 12-hour seminar. She presented at the 2024 Chiropractic Homecoming Symposium and received excellent reviews!
"She successfully blends elements of research on anatomy/neurology, clinical experience and personal experience in a way that brought power and immediate applicability to the material covered." - Amy Hass, PhD, DC
"Her command of the information was impressive and she gave us many tools we could use right away with our patients. Seminars like this make us better chiropractors." - Scott Szela, DC