CCSP02 - Chiropractic Sports Injuries (CCSP) #2 of 9: Professional Boundaries in Sport, Integrity in Sport and the Sports Medicine Team
The purpose of this course is to provide doctors of chiropractic with training regarding professional boundaries and ethics in sports chiropractic, integrity in sport policy as adopted by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and International Federation of Sports Chiropractic (FICS), and the sports medicine team.
The module will discuss: ethical considerations in sport chiropractic, professional boundaries in sport, olympism, Olympic Movement Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation of Competitions, the IOC Code of Ethics, IOC Integrity and the sports medicine team.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, learners should be able to:
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of good ethical practices when working as a sports chiropractor.
- Understand and recognize when ethical or professional boundaries violations have occurred in sportschiropractic.
- Demonstrate understanding of integrity in sport policy as adopted by the IOC and FICS.
- Explain olympism and promote the 3 core values ofolympism in society and the work of sports chiropractic.
- Recognize the sports chiropractor's role as partof the sports medicine team
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