Instructor: Randine Anderson Lewis

Randine Anderson Lewis

Randine Anderson Lewis, Ph.D., L.Ac., author of The Infertility Cure, The Way of the Fertile Soul, The Spirit of the Blood, and Birthing the Tao has become the leading expert in treating infertility conditions naturally. Her powerful Eastern program combined with her vast knowledge of Western reproductive medicine has helped many thousands of women throughout the world, get back their fertility, their hope, and their lives.

Dr. Lewis began her studies in Western medicine, and after suffering through her own fertility challenges, overcame them with Chinese medicine. After finishing her medical studies and interning in China, she earned a doctorate in Alternative Medicine, the basis of the retreat process she has offered the public through The Fertile Soul. She has developed doctoral level curriculum in integrative Chinese medicine, and now focuses her time teaching, writing, and conducting workshops for practitioners.

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