Instructor: Alane Lucht

Alane Lucht

Dr. Alane Lucht holds the belief that we are more than just parts and symptoms. While practicing with her mentor for nearly five years she learned to look more extensively at the human body as an entire system that works in concert. Dr. Alane uses Applied Kinesiology (AK) to find the root cause of dysfunction. Through a variety of techniques she will help to remove the blocks that may be creating symptoms and dis-ease.

Dr. Alane has held a deep interest in health and healing since the age of 11. She began exploring the alternative sciences after having found a book titled "The Complete Encyclopedia of Psychic Sciences" in a box belonging to her Father. This began a lifelong exploration into the question of why do humans experience and do what they do.

In 1990 she began taking classes at The Minneapolis School of Massage and Bodywork where she completed over 600 hours of training. As she continued to practice massage she took classes with the Upledger Institute in such bodywork techniques as Cranio-Sacral Therapy and Lymphatic Drainage. Having been practicing Yoga since the late 1980's she decided to become a Yoga Instructor. After spending over a month in an ashram she completed the 200-hour course offered by the Sivananda Vedanta training and taught Yoga for nearly 25 years.

After receiving her Bachelors of Science degree in Human Biology, she went on to study the healing art of Chiropractic at Northwestern College of Chiropractic (now called Northwestern Health Sciences University). She graduated with a Doctorate in Chiropractic in 2001 and began a private practice.

With an emphasis on the emotional component of physical issues, Dr. Alane has practiced Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) since 2002. In 2016 she completed the 3-year training in Somatic Experiencing (SE), which addressed how trauma can get 'stuck' in the body. In August of 2018 she completed the 2-year training in Neuro Affective Relational Modeling (NARM) which deals specifically with developmental or early life trauma.

Not one to sit around, Dr. Alane decided to pursue a long-standing passion into the field of psychological counseling. She began her graduate studies in the field of Clinical Counseling and Psychological Services with a dual degree in Addictions Studies at St. Mary's University of Minnesota and graduated in November of 2019. This will give an academic base to her training in Somatic Experiencing (, Neuro-Emotional Technique (, and Neuro Affective Relational Modeling (

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