Instructor: Michael Epitropoulos

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Michael Epitropoulos, DC, PhD, earned a Doctor of Chiropractic and Doctorate of Applied Clinical Nutrition degree. He completed specialized training in Applied Kinesiology, Contact Reflex Analysis, and Energy Medicine.  He contributed to two books, several natural health publications and taught clinical nutrition at colleges in North Carolina, Michigan and Florida.

He speaks all over the country and is a featured speaker at Chiropractic Conventions teaching how to incorporate natural medicine into chiropractic practice. He hosted popular radio shows on natural healing in Florida and Michigan.

He has been practicing Chiropractic and Functional Medicine for well over 35 years and currently is in private practice in Ormond Beach Florida where people come to him from all over the U.S. because of his work in natural medicine. 

His company, Doctors Natural Health Solutions, is a consulting company for doctors and includes a line of specialized nutritional formulations as well as a natural medicine educational resource center is involved in nutraceutical product development including the recent development of a formulation for Type 2 Diabetes based on Nucleotide Science as well as a line of herbal formulations for Nutritional Frontiers.

He has done extensive research in Nucleotide Science for over 14 years and continues to do clinical studies with Nucleotide Supplementation in his office.

Classes by this instructor