Instructor: David Haase

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David Haase, MD is a doctor, teacher, entrepreneur, and innovator who is deeply committed to maximizing wellness for everyone.  Dr. Haase received his medical training at Vanderbilt University and completed his residency in Family Medicine at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

He is board certified in Family Medicine and Integrative Holistic Medicine. Early in clinical practice, Dr. Haase realized that something very important was missing. He went to medical school so he could better understand and address the root causes of illness and dysfunction- and thereby facilitate the creation of health for individual patients. Instead, he found his training was largely limited to naming disease (putting the patient into a "box"), blaming disease (the context had nothing to do with the problem), and taming disease (often with powerful drugs not tailored to the unique genetics of the individual). To fill the void he sought out additional medical training and certifications in nutrition, integrative and holistic medicine, functional medicine, health coaching, neurofeedback, systems biology, genomics, bioinformatics, and precision medicine. By identifying and treating the unique root causes of their conditions, Dr. Haase saw remarkable improvements in his patients' health.

Dr. Haase treats a wide range of conditions and has special expertise in fatigue, brain-related disorders (mood, attention, anxiety, insomnia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, seizures, head injury), inflammatory and immune dysregulation, allergy, and cancer support.  His friendly manner, enthusiasm, and humor make learning fun and light the way for a patient's healing journey.

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