AMT01 - Advanced Muscular Therapy Deep Tissue and Myofascial Technique: Neck & Back

Don't miss this opportunity to attend Dr. Benjamin's accelerated 95% hands-on course in muscular therapy for injury. You'll learn detailed palpation anatomy, as well as over 25 myofascial and massage techniques designed to support the treatment of the most common soft-tissue injuries in the neck, mid-back and low back.

you will understand the anatomy of these structures like never before through physically locating and palpating each muscle, tendon, and ligament targeted with these techniques. Most of these injury-related techniques were developed from actual cases in Dr. Benjamin's clinical practice.

Structures include:

  • supraspinous and suprasacral ligaments
  • iliolumbar ligaments
  • sacroiliac ligaments
  • sacrotuberous ligaments
  • gluteus medius muscle
  • supraspinous and nuchal ligaments
  • intertransverse ligaments
  • TP7 ligaments
  • suboccipital muscles
  • sternocleidomastoid muscles

Available Sessions

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