BSC24 - 2024 Big Sky Conference: Advanced Root Cause Medicine and Nutrition Strategies to Improve Patient Outcomes

If you have a nutrition-based, integrative or functional medicine-focused practice, you will want to spend this full education day with Dr. Kristi to ensure that you are using all the resources you have at your fingertips to get the best clinical results you can achieve.

With 25 years of clinical experience using professional nutraceutical formulas, Dr. Kristi will laser in on the protocols and resources she sues with the most confidence and success in her root-cause private practice. She uses the Tower of Power (TOP) strategy to build her patients' personalized programs by leveraging impactful protocols.
Managing chronic diseases and striving for a path of resolution requires lifestyle, dietary and, most often, behavioral changes. This fully-packed seminar day will leave you inspired to address your patients' underlying pathophysiological challenges with clinically effective formulas in a simplified way to create a personalized protocol while addressing common pathways that nutrition, phytonutrients, botanicals and essential fatty acids can transform.
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