HTIF - How to Incorporate Functional Medicine into an Existing Practice

Learn how to incorporate functional medicine into your existing practice from a clinician with 40 years of experience. Understand what functional medicine is and how it differs from the standard medical model. Utilize symptom survey and correlate with nutritional deficiencies specific questions to help you find the cause of the problem, and understand hormonal health.

Explore tools in functional medicine practice like electro-dermal screening (bioenergetic testing) which uses acupressure points for assessing energy imbalance to determine the weak areas of the body and find a cause of the health challenge and correlate with specific nutritional supplementation. Understand the commonly used nutritional therapies he's used.

Learn how microcurrent theory helps with pain management and can accelerate healing.  Review other tests like saliva testing, blood analysis, DNA testing and food allergy testing to improve your diagnosis.

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