Instructor: Dawn Brown

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Classes by this instructor

Creating an Inclusive Culture & Climate to Cultivate Belonging

Creating an Inclusive Culture & Climate to Cultivate Belonging

Course Fee: $299

Dates: Start this course anytime from August 26, 2024, through December 15, 2024.

Course Description: Belonging is the ultimate outcome of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives and practices. This course includes modules on topics such as: a) the intersection of DEI and belonging, b) self-reflection on inclusion and belonging experiences, c) socioecological frameworks of inclusion and belonging, d) methods and resources to foster inclusivity and belonging, and e) developing and sustaining a sense of belonging and inclusion. Participants are encouraged to engage deeply with the course content, particularly with those modules that resonate with their own lived experiences. This course will prepare participants to work individually and collaboratively to implement practices that will create inclusion and cultivate belonging of all individuals in academic, social, and community spaces. 

August 26, 2024 to December 15, 2024, Online Self-Paced Via Black Board