
Jewish Refugee Poetry in Shanghai

Course Fee: $60.00

Dates: 4-week course / In person on Fridays, July 12, 19, 26, & August 2

Times: 10am-12noon

Join visiting Professor Duosi Meng, Senior Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, University of Illinois-Chicago as she guides participants through utilizing poetry written by Jewish refugees as a lens to explore the Jewish diaspora in Shanghai from 1938-1948. The exploration will address questions surrounding the collision of eastern and western cultures in China and include a comparative analysis examining the nuances between poems authored by refugees and those crafted by renowned authors in exile. Copies of poems will be provided in class.

July 12, 2024 to August 2, 2024, B2200

JULY 19 BOOK DISCUSSION WITH AUTHOR LAURA GOLOWSKI: The B. Harley Bradley House - Frank Lloyd Wright's Flagship Prairie Design              

Course Fee: FREE

Dates: Friday, July 19

Times: 1:00p.m.-2:00p.m.

As a preview to this summer's field trips to the Bradley House in Kankakee, enjoy a presentation and discussion of Laura Golowski's book about the Bradley House. The book is a beautifully bound, pictorial, and historical account of the house Frank Lloyd Wright designed and built for B. Harley Bradley and his family in 1900, in Kankakee, Illinois.

Optional book purchase and signing to follow with all proceeds helping to defray expenses involved in preserving and maintaining the Bradley House.

Note: Field Trip participation is not required to attend this presentation, but encouraged. This presentation applies to both field trip dates of July 20 or July 27.


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JULY 26 BOOK DISCUSSION WITH AUTHOR LAURA GOLOWSKI: The B. Harley Bradley House - Frank Lloyd Wright's Flagship Prairie Design              

Course Fee: FREE

Dates: Friday, July 26

Times: 1:00p.m.-2:00p.m.

As a preview to this summer's field trips to the Bradley House in Kankakee, enjoy a presentation and discussion of Laura Golowski's book about the Bradley House. The book is a beautifully bound, pictorial, and historical account of the house Frank Lloyd Wright designed and built for B. Harley Bradley and his family in 1900, in Kankakee, Illinois.

Optional book purchase and signing to follow with all proceeds helping to defray expenses involved in preserving and maintaining the Bradley House.

Note: Field Trip participation is not required to attend this presentation, but encouraged.

Friday, July 26, 2024, B2203

SATURDAY, JULY 20 FIELD TRIP / FULL                                              

This year's destination is to the Frank Lloyd Wright designed B. Harley Bradley House (formerly Yesteryear) in Kankakee, IL, for a guided tour with lunch to follow at Ryan's Pier.

Bus travel from the GovState campus to Bradley House, then to Ryan's Pier for lunch, and then back to GovState.

Course Fee: $100.00

Date: Saturday, July 20

Times: 10:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.

Tour Maximum: 12

Participants will travel by bus from the GovState campus main entrance to the Bradley House in Kankakee for a 1.5 hour guided tour beginning with the carriage house (which is also a lovely gift shop) and moving on to both the upstairs and downstairs of the main house.

There is no elevator but there is an optional presentation of the upstairs which can be viewed while seated downstairs if needed.

Time will be allotted after the tour for everyone to return to the gift shop to browse and shop.

Participants will then re-board the bus to travel to the nearby Ryan's Pier for lunch.

After lunch, our bus will bring us back to the GovState campus by approximately 3pm.

This course contains no sessions
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SATURDAY, JULY 27 FIELD TRIP                                              

This year's destination is to the Frank Lloyd Wright designed B. Harley Bradley House (formerly Yesteryear) in Kankakee, IL, for a guided tour with lunch to follow at Ryan's Pier.

Bus travel from the GovState campus to Bradley House, then to Ryan's Pier for lunch, and then back to GovState.

Course Fee: $100.00

Date: Saturday, July 27

Times: 10:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.

Tour Maximum: 12

Participants will travel by bus from the GovState campus main entrance to the Bradley House in Kankakee for a 1.5 hour guided tour beginning with the carriage house (which is also a lovely gift shop) and moving on to both the upstairs and downstairs of the main house.

There is no elevator but there is an optional presentation of the upstairs which can be viewed while seated downstairs if needed.

Time will be allotted after the tour for everyone to return to the gift shop to browse and shop.

Participants will then re-board the bus to travel to the nearby Ryan's Pier for lunch.

After lunch, our bus will bring us back to the GovState campus by approximately 3pm.

Saturday, July 27, 2024