Course Detail: CEPDK-SFWAFF - Short Fiction by Latin American Women Authors: Readings and Discussions
Short Fiction by Latin American Women Authors: Readings and Discussions with Isabel Simard
Dates TBD
Time: TBD
Join Longtime Knowledge Exchange participant Isabel Simard for this discussion-based journey into the world of short stories written by women.
With a focus on the 1986 Anthology, Other Fires: Short Fiction by Latin American Women, class will read selected works both at home and during class where interactive discussions will take place, encouraging unique perspectives and deeper understandings of the story's themes and cultural nuances.
Class will also explore other works by selected female authors with a special nod to Alice Munro.
Copies of the short stories will be provided both in electronic and hard copy formats.
Sorry, this course does not qualify for the second 8-week course discount.