Certificate Detail: CAMC - Corporate Aviation Management Certificate (CAMC)

Gulfstream 5 on runway

About the Program

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's (ERAU) Corporate Aviation Management Certificate program will prepare students, whether pilots or support personnel, to advance to management roles within aviation organizations, or get a foot in the door in the business aviation sector for a change in careers. The CAMC program is run on a monthly schedule throughout the year. Each course runs 30 to 60 days and is facilitated by an instructor. With no scheduled class times or live sessions to attend, this program can accommodate the busiest schedule. In addition, each online course runs in an all-inclusive, web-based delivery. A Certificate of Completion from Embry-Riddle is awarded upon successful completion of all 22 courses.

NBAA CAM Designation

Completion of ERAU's CAMC certificate program may result in points being awarded towards NBAA's Certified Aviation Manager (CAM) designation as well as their Professional Development (PDP) and Schedulers and Dispatchers Professional Development (SPDP) programs (PDP/SPDP). NOTE: ERAU's courses supporting NBAA CAM designation are currently in revision to accord with new NBAA Learning Objectives.

Who Should Attend

Corporate aviation employees looking to advance their careers, and NBAA members and non-members looking to obtain their CAM designation.

NBAA logo

Key Topics

  • Business management
  • Corporate aircraft operations
  • Human resources
  • Leadership
  • Technical services

Course Specifics

  • When: Courses are offered based on a yearly schedule. See full 2024 schedule and price list.
  • Where: Online; courses are instructor facilitated and taught in an asynchronous format. All courses have scheduled start and end dates and required weekly assignments though students are not required to log in at a specified time or day during the week. Students interact with instructors and classmates through discussion boards, assignments, and email.
  • * indicates the course is pending approval by NBAA, and not currently applicable toward NBAA CAM designation.
  • Management Domain (3 courses)
    • CE 2111: Value Proposition Analysis ($640)
    • CE 2112: Finance and Budgeting for the Corporate Flight Department ($700)*
    • CE 2113: Community Relations ($400)*
Confident businessman in airplane hangar
  • Leadership Domain (5 courses)
    • CE 2121: Strategic Vision and Planning ($560)*
    • CE 2122: Leadership and Motivation ($480)
    • CE 2123: Leadership in Flight Department Operations ($480)
    • CE 2124: Professional Development ($480)
    • CE 2125: Human Factors for Corporate Aviation ($700)*
  •  Operations Domain (3 courses)
    • CE 2131: Standard Operating Procedures and Processes ($560)*
    • CE 2132: Scheduling and Dispatch ($480)*
    • CE 2133: Recordkeeping and Compliance ($400)
  • Human Resources Domain (6 courses)
    • CE 2141: Workload and Management Staffing ($400)
    • CE 2142: Employee Training Programs ($400)
    • CE 2143: Staffing and Team Building ($560)*
    • CE 2144: Performance Reviews and Feedback Systems ($400)
    • CE 2145: Compensation and Reward Programs ($400)*
    • CE 2146: HRM Laws and Ethics ($400)*
  • Technical Services Domain (5 courses)
    • CE 2151: Aviation Safety Programs and Emergency Preparedness ($640)*
    • CE 2152: Aviation Maintenance Management ($640)*
    • CE 2153: Customer Service Programs ($400)*
    • CE 2154: Aviation Security ($480)*
    • CE 2155: Vendor Management ($400)*


Course Title Mandatory Year Span
Value Proposition Analysis for Aviation in association with NBAA [CE 2111] Mandatory 0
Finance and Budgeting in association with NBAA [CE 2112] Mandatory 0
Community Relations in association with NBAA [CE 2113] Mandatory 0
Strategic Vision and Planning in association with NBAA [CE 2121] Mandatory 0
Leadership and Motivation in association with NBAA [CE 2122] Mandatory 0
Leadership in Flight Department Operations [CE 2123] Mandatory 0
Professional Development in association with NBAA [CE 2124] Mandatory 0
Human Factors for Corporate Aviation in association with NBAA [CE 2125] Mandatory 0
Standard Operating Procedures and Processes in association with NBAA [CE 2131] Mandatory 0
Scheduling and Dispatch in association with NBAA [CE 2132] Mandatory 0
Record Keeping and Compliance in association with NBAA [CE 2133] Mandatory 0
Workload and Management Staffing in association with NBAA [CE 2141] Mandatory 0
Employee Training Programs in association with NBAA [CE 2142] Mandatory 0
Staffing and Team Building in association with NBAA [CE 2143] Mandatory 0
Performance Reviews and Feedback Systems in association with NBAA [CE 2144] Mandatory 0
Compensation and Reward Programs in association with NBAA [CE 2145] Mandatory 0
HRM Laws and Ethics in association with NBAA [CE 2146] Mandatory 0
Aviation Safety Programs and Emergency Preparedness in association with NBAA [CE 2151] Mandatory 0
Aviation Maintenance Management in association with NBAA [CE 2152] Mandatory 0
Customer Service Programs in association with NBAA [CE 2153] Mandatory 0
Aviation Security in association with NBAA [CE 2154] Mandatory 0
Vendor Management in association with NBAA [CE 2155] Mandatory 0

Electives Required: