OSHA's Suicide Prevention in the Workplace with focus on the Construction Industry

Over two-thirds of the American population work; we often spend more waking time working each week than we do with our families. When a workplace is working well, it is often a place of belonging and purpose - qualities of our well-being that can sustain us when life gets unmanageable.

Many workplaces also provide access to needed mental health resources through employee assistance programs and peer support. Because suicidal thoughts are usually invisible, employers usually assume "it doesn't happen here" - until it does. Co-workers then are often forgotten grievers after a suicide. Rarely, do employers and co-workers consider their role in suicide prevention. This OSHA webinar highlights a pivotal moment as workplaces have begun to shift their perspective on suicide from "not our business" to a mindset that makes suicide prevention a health and safety priority.

Minimum student contact hours: 2 CEU: .2

*Note: Location subject to change.

 Session Information: 251XPSUI10012

Schedule: September 11th: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
All times for courses are Eastern Time Zone.

Times: 10:00am-12:00pm EDT
Registration Fee : $0.00

USF Facility Detail

Virtual Instructor-Led Training
Hosted on Microsoft Teams
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Facility Resources
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