Course Detail: CC0900 - Child Development Associate Program-CDA
As more and more childcare centers secure their NAEYC (National Association for Education of the Young Child) Certification the demand for The Child Development Associate will be even more highly prized than it is now. The Child Development Associate is a person who has successfully complete CDA assessment and has been awarded the CDA Credential. S/he is able to meet the specific needs of children and works with parents and other adults to nurture children's physical, social, emotional and intellectual growth in a child development framework. The program will be directed in the following 8 content areas:1.Planning safe healthy environment to invite learning2.Steps to advance children's physical and intellectual development3.Positive ways to support children's social and emotional development4.Strategies to establish productive relationships with families5.Strategies to manage an effective program operation6.Maintaining commitment to professionalism7.Observing/recording children's behavior8.Principles of child growth and developmentCredentials are not awarded solely for the successful completion of the 120 hour course. CDA candidates are also required to have 480 hours of experience working with children within the past 5 years. It is recommended that students incorporate the work experience component during the course work.
Available Sessions
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